My first day in Splinterlands

This is my story of how i got into the game and my experience. My plan is to write posts regularly as sort of a diary. So this is how it all started:

Stumbling across it:

It was a really surprise to find this game, i was just surfing the net and reading about cryptocurrencies, when i found out about hive and several games revolving around it. Simply, because I was curious I registered for Splinterlands and started playing. After a couple of games and reading about this game, I decided to invest into the Summoners Spellbook and started grinding.

My first experiences:

After playing through the tutorial, I began playing ranked matches and as of writing this I am close to ranking up to Bronze 1, which is my goal before this seasons end.

I am curious about the journey ahead and will definitely keep updating this journal on the go. :D

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