First Step to Cure Addiction: Accept It

Yes, You are an addict!

Splinterlands community have an addition problem. Addiction to winning.

Therefore, folks have addiction to the substance that makes it easy to win.

They have addiction to bots and battle helpers.

So, to search for a solution I went to the internet and serch for addiction cure helps. The first hit that I liked is

Think you may have an addiction problem? Have you ever asked yourself “am I an addict?”

We are taught in school in science class, that to solve a problem, the first step is to identify the problem. To identify the problem, one must ask some basic questions about addiction to automation services that is available to Splinterlands. I found a standard set of simple questions at the same website. They are below, I have just edited them to fit our current problem.

  1. Your feelings when using substances (Read Bots/Battle Helpers) (e.g. craving, guilt)
  2. How often do you use it (Bots/Battle Helpers) (e.g. daily/weekly/monthly)
  3. How much do you use (Bots/Battle Helpers) (e.g., drinks per day/week)
  4. What consequences may have resulted from your substance use (your community, your friends, while chatting on mav-chat or tavern) (e.g., legal trouble, relationship problems)



The first point: It is the feeling of elation of constant winning, or high percentage of winning, getting SPS, crushing your opponent, climbing on leaderboard, while eating dinner, doing work, talking to your family, doing chores......whatever that is, but not really playing the game! Yeah must feel great you Timbers? John cubed?


Yep, that's the modern leaderboard. Don't worry we will change it.

The second point: How often do you use a bot or a battle helper? Everyday, eh? That is an easy answer.

The third point: How much do you use the bot/BH? Well all the time. Because it is easy and it helps you win!

The forth point: Consequences? What is that? Well you come on discord, and curse the good people and explain how it WILL NOT work. Tell people, how there are 4 human players playing 8 accounts manually (oh sorry, with the help of XBOT) eh @dexy50?


Sorry this was an old one, at the time there was not violation. Just lies. Now XBOT do not support Modern, so these 4 human players are using Battle Helpers until we BAN their use.


So they are addicts. That is the conclusion.


It is easy to point to a problem, not easy to find a solution. I am not an easy person. I like to find solutions. First is reach out to the community. Talk to some of the people that you know who play manually and ask them how does it feel to play manually. Maybe play 100 games manual in Modern Human league. Find the sheer joy of winning and losing. Maybe reach out to a community member after he/she have just destroyed your team and say GG. Laugh and talk together. You will see you will feel better.





Admit that you were missing out on human interaction. Reach out to a fellow human. You will see that you are feeling better. Then consider voting YES to the two upcoming proposals by @davemccoy.




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