Splinterlands Challenge — Rexxie, the Giant


Hello everyone, this is my post for this Splinterlands challenge, here I will be write about Rexxie, the dinosaur from Splinterlands, and how cool it would be to have it in future editions, of course with better stats and abilities.

Rexxie is one of the first Splinterlands cards, making its appearance in the first set, Alpha, and I found it to be a very pure card, having only one ability and because Rexxie's green skin perfectly matches the earth element. When there were only the Alpha cards to play, I'm sure Rexxie shines in the ODD ruleset, with its high attack power, it has 6 melee attack power, being the only one in the Alpha set to have such destructive power, not even the legendaries have that power.

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Unfortunately, it is currently only playable in the wild format, and even there it is almost never played in high ranked matches, although Rexxie has good stats, it only has one ability, The Trample ability is quite good, but it is not enough for Rexxie to dominate the battlefield. It is an easy target for all kinds of attacks, since it has no protection whatsoever. The thorns ability that summoner cards like Mylor and recently Eternal Tofu can give to its units, and added to this the fact that Thorns is almost always combined with the Amplify ability, make Rexxie more vulnerable.

But there are some battles where it can be useful, when the Melee Mayhem, Back to Basics and Silenced Summoners ruleset are active, only then Rexxie can be an option in top battles.

I really like this card, I would like to see it in a future expansion or even in the next Rebellion Hall of Legends, with an alternative name and more abilities. It would be really cool to see this dinosaur in battle again.

So I decided to design Rexxie as a Rebellion card, it took me longer than I expected, I love how it turned out, I'd like to make some minor adjustments, but it looks good anyway. The image of Rexxie that I chose is from its alternate skin than was available in the shop, but is unfortunately no longer available.

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Since it's an upgrade from the original Rexxie, I though it would be cool if it was now a rare card and so I did, its mana cost and stats are the same, except for its attack which is now 7 (just 1 more than before). I added The Giant to its name, because this is not a normal Rexxie, this is a giant Rexxie! so it's more powerful than before.


TRAMPLE, has the initial ability of the original of course, attacking again after destroying an unit. The Stampede ruleset, as before, remains excellent with Rexxie.

ENRAGE, this Rexxie becomes enraged when it takes damage, and will let you know when it's hurt, reaching 9 melee attack power and 6 speed.

RETALIATE, don't mess with it, maybe archers and mages can be safe by attacking it from a safe distance, but melee units won't have that chance, Rexxie will show those impertinent ones a furious tail swipe.

That's all for now, I hope you like this new version of Rexxie, until next time. See ya!

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