Born Again Ruleset + Martyr + Resurrect Combo Is a Beast!!!


Banner and divider by @splinterlands | @kyo-gaming | @splintercell-01 | @mhowii



First of all, this is @valhallagod (Aggy's account) that I am playing. Thank you so much sir @aggroed for the opportunity on playing this account! ❤️




  • Trample will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units.

Tip: Prime use case for Summoner Possibilus the Wise.


Born Again

  • All units receive the Rebirth ability which allows them to self resurrect once.


Fire & Regret

  • All units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with ranged attacks receive damage back.


  • Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.

  • Ranged attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.

  • The Amplify ability increases damage.


Battle Analysis

  • When I saw the ruleset and the available splinters, I immediately know what lineup I will use.

  • First is the summoner, Byzantine Kitty is really a good summoner because of its True Strike and Tank Heal ability.

  • For the tank, first monster that comes in my mind is Desert Dragon because it has a Trample ability that suits very well in the ruleset Stampede and I have a guess that he will use a monster with Taunt ability like Agor Longtail or Coeurl Lurker which is best counter because it has a Giant Killer ability to quickly kill the high mana monster/s.

  • To make a full use of the Born Again ruleset, I used Iziar to buff my Desert Dragon and Oshuur Constantia 4x because Oshuur Contantia has a Resurrect and I also used Adelade Brightwing for additional Resurrect.

  • Additionally for Oshuur Constantia and Adelade Brightwing, they're also one of my supports to support my Desert Dragon.

    • Oshuur Constantia - Tank Heal
    • Adelade Brightwing - Repair , Swiftness
  • Additional support is Truthspeaker for additional Armor and Tank Heal

  • Lastly, Stitch Leech for extra damage. In case he used a monster with Thorns, I don't have a problem with that because it has Life Leech ability.



Round 1


  • My prediction was right because he used a high mana monster with Taunt ability and its and easy kill.

  • Luckily, Desert Dragon retaliated after he received an attack from Agor Longtail and got Rebirth. Its a good start for the first round.


Round 2


  • Agor Longtail got killed again and Desert Dragon gets a trample leaving Void Dragon 5 Health.

  • This time, Agor Longtail got resurrected by Adelade Brightwing and Iziar got poisoned by Dr. Blight before the round ends.


Round 3


  • At the start of the round, Iziar died because of the Poison and got Rebirth. Its really good because it buffed my Desert Dragon and Oshuur Constantia which I was waiting for to see the huge damage of my Desert Dragon.

  • Iziar died again by Void Dragon's attack and it buffed my two monsters again:

    • Desert Dragon's damage is 8.
    • Oshuur Constantia's damage is 5.
  • Finally, Desert Dragon attacked Agor Longtail with that HUGE 16 damage and killed it following Void Dragon , Truthspeaker and Adelade Brightwing.

  • I thought I'm going to sweep them by this round and use all their Rebirth in a continuous Trample but Dr. Blight has 3 Health left after getting that 8 damage.

  • Before the round ends, Iziar died again twice and buffed my two monsters again:

    • Desert Dragon's damage is 10.
    • Oshuur Constantia's damage is 7.


Round 4


  • I thought Desert Dragon will attack first because he has the same Speed with Oshuur Constantia and he is in the first position.

  • Oshuur Constantia killed Void Dragon and Desert Dragon killed Truthspeaker following Adelade Brightwing with a Trample.


Final Round


  • in this final round, Desert Dragon attacked with HUGE 10 damage killing Dr. Blight and Venari Crystalsmith.

  • They both got Rebirth and Adelade Brightwing gives the final blow by killing Venari Crystalsmith. GG!


Battle Summary


  • Overall, I dominated my opponent with that Martyr buff strategy and my prediction was right. It must be a really awesome battle if I sweep them at round 2 haha

  • I got a reward of:

    • +36 rating (3795)
    • +98,804 RP
    • +7.526 SPS


Watch the full battle:



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