Zero Mana New Promo Card very Sneaky Card

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Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing?
In this content i want to share my battle againts player that using new promo card that eventually really strong even though the visual and the status is really low and weak. This card is having 0 mana cost. That is what makes me annoying and in low mana battle this promo cards is really helpfull. Lets see this monster shall we


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This new promo card called Elanor Bravefoot. This monster need 0 manacost that really annoying in low manacap battle because it can be very functional as tanker, attacker,filler, or can be a support as well.
This legendary monster just have 2 range attack when maxed level with 3 speed and just 2 health. But,this legendary card have 3 ability. The first is Weary that means in the beginning of each round having 10% chance to exhausted and skipped attack. And the chances increasing each round. So, this ability pretty good while in early game and very bad for late game. Thats why this monster is really good at low manacap battle that mostly have very fast pace of the battle. The second ability is new ability too called Blasphemy of Uul that means every cards named Fiend in the allied battlefield will adding this monster range attack by 1 permanently. So with the 0 mana cost monster that usually used as filler can gives this monster additional attack. And the last ability is Strengthen that will make all allied get 1 additional maximum health as long as this monster alive.
This card is promo card that kinda expensive for me that time. Thats why i am not buying this card. And in this content i will share the battle that opponent bring it and using it with really good againts me. Lets see the opponent strategies this time instead mine that using usual strategy and monster.


Strategy Phase

As i mentioned before in this content i will trying to share the opponent strategy instead mine. Because i think it is better to see the opponent monster card than mine.

The opponent bringing Chaos Agent as tanker in low manacap battle. Yeah many people using this monster as a tanker in low manacap battle since this monster having pretty good ability as a tanker. Having 4 speed with ability that can support this monster as a tanker. The first ability is Dodge that make this monster having chance to dodging any range and melee attack from opponent. And secondly this monster having phase ability that can make this monster having chance to dodge magic type attack. And the last is Backfire damage that can give back damage to opponent if the opponent missing attacking this monster. With this much ability, it will make this monster pretty good as a tanker.Especially this monster only costing 1 mana.

This time opponent bringing Scorch Fiend too. The purpose maybe for the Elanor and using this monster ability that is Demoralized that can make opponent losing 1 melee attack. The rest of this monster is just for filler or for additional tanker to make opponent cannot direct hit attacking the monster that need to be carry of the team.

This time opponent bringing Venka The Vile too. This legendary monster is really beast. Especially when encountered with monste that having no attack as tanker. This monster can attack from anywhere else because this monster having ability called Charge. Also this monster having piercing ability that can penetrate any armor. And this monster having opress ability that really counter for any non attack monster like Grimbandun Blacksmith or even Chaos Agent. And the last this monster having trample ability that can get additional attack after killing monster. And what makes this monster is really beast is the status. This monster having 7 melee damage that really strong for non attack monter like Grimbandun or Baakjira. And this monster having 5 speed which is having minimum chance to missing attacking monster.

And the last and most annoying is this monster called Elanor Bravefoot this monster will automatically have 3 range damage because the ability Blasphemy of Uul because the opponent bringing Scorch Fiend in their line up. Also this monster gives 1 additional health by Strenghten ability. And for Weary ability that will make this monster exhausted and skipped attack. I think it very rare this monster exhausted in the beginning of the battle. So, in round 1 or 2 this monster still capable to attack my team and with 3 range damage it is really huge.



This time i am encountered with player from Grand Praeotorian Army yeah this player is from stong guild afterall. Now wonder having so much cards in their deck.

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And in this battle as you can see the picture above,having 3 ruleset. The first ruleset is Weak Magic that means all magic type attack will same with range and melee type attack that need to break the armor first before gives direct hit to health. And the second ruleset is Silenced Summoner that means all summoner will not giving any ability or grated ability. The last but not least ruleset is Ferocity that will make all monster having fury ability that will make attacking double when attacking taunt attack monster. The manacap of this battle is just 12 which is really low. And the only element that can be used in this battle is Fire element which is the element that i dont very like in this game.

My Line Up

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  • Tarsa as Summoner
  • Chaos Agent as Frontline Tanker
  • Scavo Chemist as Second Tanker
  • Surly Drunk as Attacker
  • Scorch Fiend as Debuff Support
  • Doctor Blight as Attacker

Opponent Line Up

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  • Dolfar Dalfrak as Summoner
  • Halfling Refugee as Frontline Tanker
  • Chaos Agent as Second Tanker
  • Scorch Fiend as Filler Debuff Support
  • Venka The Vile as Attacker
  • Elanor Bravefoot as Attacker

Looking by opponent line up i believe that this time automatically my team is the lost one. Yeah because just one monster that i am afraid for that is Venka The Vile. It will be very hard to defeat Venka The Vile especially using low manacap monster that having low attack. Meanwhile Venka The Vile having 7 melee damage that can attack from anywhere. That will be very advantageous for opponent line up.

The summary of this battle is yeah this time i am lost in the battle. The dodge from my Chaos Agent just can showing up in the first round and the second round all the damage especially from Venka The Vile hitting my Chaos Agent. And when my Chaos Agent defeated, it will be the end of my team. I am just hoping that my Doctor Blight can holding any opponent attack but dealing with 7 melee attack it will be imposibble to make my Doctor Blight can hang on in this battle. And what worse is the Elanor Bravefoot gives 3 range damage too which is almost destructive in low manacap battle like this.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Zero Mana New Promo Card very Sneaky Card



Okay talking about Elanor Bravefoot, i think this monster really usefull when the ruleset is support especially when encountered in low manacap battle. Since this monster having 0 manacap that having range attack. It will be very usefull. To give damage to opponent line up or for filler or can be a tanker especially backline tanker. With just 1 attack skipped it can give big different result in the low manacap battle.


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Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
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