Anticipate Strategy in Close Range


Hello guys!

Yeeeeey I'm back again with my Splinterlands post. I'm writing this post to follow Splinterlands Mage Secrets Battle Challenge Close Range. With these rulesets, all range monster can still perform attacks even though they are in first position even without special abilities.

Actually, these rulesets often appear when I only do ordinary rank battles, but I don't know after the tem from this week's challenge came out, lately I had quite a hard time finding Close Range rulesets. And finally I found this battle that I will share with you.

Are you curious about how this battle went? Without further ado, let's get straight to the point of this post. Well, I'm neither a proplayer nor a tournament hero. I just enjoys sharing strategy and battles that I find interesting in my own view. I did this battle in the modern battle Diamond League using my scholarship account with IGN BLTZR-WIZARD-700, and maybe the strategy I used was not suitable for other leagues because of the differences in the abilities of each monster that was different in each league.



Challenge Rules


Units with ranged attacks are allowed to attack in the first position.


Battle Rulesets


This is a middle mana battle with 26 mana cost with active elements of Water, Life, Death and Dragon. There are 3 Rulesets in this battle, including:

  • Close Range, The essence of this challenge, where all ranged attacks are allowed to attack in the first position.
  • Explosive Weaponry, All Monsters have the Blast ability. Monster taunts will be very useful in these rulesets, to reduce blasts that will spread to all monsters.
  • Holy Protection, All Monsters have the Devine Shield ability. If you want your attacks to be effective, targeting them will be very useful.

From the existing rulesets, I compiled some strategies that I will describe below.


Line Up and Strategy

In accordance with my experience playing in rank battles, there are 3 types of players in utilizing these rulesets, namely anticipating with range attacks, or doing full attacks with range monsters, or not being affected by rulesets, in the sense of still playing with other strategies such as doing full sneak or full magic attacks, or other strategies that are not related to range monsters.

Because of the limited mana, and the slightly complicated rulesets, I arranged the line-up with an anticipatory range attack strategy. As for playing attackers, I don't stick to range attacks because it could be that the opponent also uses anticipatory strategies and if this happens then my attacks will not be effective. I put together the line-up and strategy of each monster in the table below.

Quix the DeviousSummoner-1 Range, -1 SpeedAs I mentioned earlier, I will use the anti-range strategy, so I chose to use Summoner Quix the Devious because it will reduce the range attack of all enemy monsters. In addition, this Summoner also reduces the opponent's speed, which will be very useful in Explosive Weaponry rulesets where all attacks in this battle are very explosive because of blasts. So if we can attack first because the speed of the opponent's monster is reduced, then our chances of winning will also increase.
Wave BroodFirstTaunt, Close Range, Void, Return FireFor the tank in this battle, I chose Wave Brood because this monster has a Taunt ability where the opposing monster will target this monster and this will make the blast of the attack not spread to all monsters in the line-up. In battles where the cost is quite large, usually I will put this monster in the last position, but because in this battle where the cost is very limited and in this account I also only have 1 Reflection Shield monster, so I decided to put this monster in the first position. On the other hand, this monster is indeed very suitable as a tank because it is very strong to withstand magic and range attacks because it has the Void ability to reduce incoming magic moans, and Return Fire where this is suitable for this Close range rulesets.
Tide BitterSecondReach, Reflection Shield, True StrikeIn the second position, to accompany the taunt monster, I chose Tide Bitter who has the Reflection Shield ability. This ability allows this monster not to be hit by blasts. In addition, this monster also has a Reach ability where this ability allows this monster to attack from second place.
Void DragonThirdFlying, Void, PhaseHigh speed and flying ability are one of the features of this monster, and this will be very useful in this ruleset. The Void Dragon also has magic attack damage, and maybe this will be a surprise from the opponent.
Angelic MandarinFourthTriage, SilenceThe Angelic Mandarin is the only range monster in this line-up. Angelic Mandari has a special ability because he has Triage and Silence.
Pelacor BanditFifthSneak, FlyingSneak monsters with 4 melee damage combined with high speed become the main attacker in this battle.
Torrent FiendLastHeadwindThe mana 0 monster is a complement as well as a rear tank in this battle. This monster also has the ability to reduce range attacks.

You can see the line-up of both teams in the picture below. Opponents use Summoner Kelya Frendul with 3 range monsters, 2 melee monsters, and non-damage monster tanks.


In the first position there is Baakjira who has the ability of Void, Slow, Strengthen and Heal. Then in the second aposiis there is Deeplurker with the ability of Opportunity, Posion and Demoralize. The third, fourth and fifth positions are range monsters. The third position is Igor Darkspear with the Stun ability and in the fourth position there is Merdhampir with the Life ability Leech, Cripple and Snare, and in fifth position is Kulu Swimhunter. The last position is Torrent Fiend which seems to be a rear tank to withstand Sneak monsters' attacks.




(Click the image above to direct to the battle link)












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