Ruleset Focus

In this week's Battle Mage Secrets, I will thoroughly dive into the intricacies of our focus for the week, sharing details surrounding the WEAK MAGIC ruleset. This particular ruleset dictates that all Magic damages are directed to a unit's Armor stat before affecting their Health stats. This additional layer of defense serves to prolong the durability of the units. The mechanics inherent in the WEAK MAGIC ruleset closely resemble those of a Void Armor ability! 😁

Abilities Focus

The synergies of these abilities align seamlessly with the WEAK MAGIC ruleset, sharing a common thread in their connection to Armor statistics — whether through the buff or debuff mechanics!

Protect - All friendly Monsters gain +2 Armor

Repair - Restores some armor to the friendly Monster
whose armor has taken the most damage

Rust - Reduces the Armor of all enemy Monsters

Shatter - Target's armor is destroyed when hit by an attack
from Monsters with Shatter

Summoner, Grandmaster Rathe

Upon encountering the WEAK MAGIC ruleset in action, a specific Summoner immediately springs to mind. Players can intentionally incorporate this ruleset into the team by introducing Grandmaster Rathe, the Life Summoner from the Chaos Legion Edition. Valued at 6 mana, Grandmaster Rathe bestows the Void Armor ability upon your team, reminiscent of the WEAK MAGIC ruleset. The Summoner is a popular choice in higher leagues, enabling players to create dynamic battles and capitalize on its strategic benefits! 😄

The Battle

While fulfilling my responsibilities in the Splinterlands scholarship account I have with Balthazar, bltzr-wizard-729, I was able to engage in a battle that involves the WEAK MAGIC ruleset. To get right into the action, the battle link can be found here. Otherwise, do read on as I go into more detail regarding the lineup and fight.

To begin, let's analyze the ruleset governing this battle. Firstly, there is the Fog Of War ruleset, which strips Monsters of the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities. Following that, we encounter the Broken Arrows ruleset, disallowing the use of Ranged attack Monsters in battles. Lastly, the main highlight of this week's challenge is the WEAK MAGIC ruleset, extensively discussed in the preceding sections. The battle imposes a mana restriction of 55 and restricts the use of only the Fire Splinter.

Summoner, Tarsa

Given the Splinter restriction imposed by the ruleset, the Summoner choice inevitably narrowed down to either Tarsa or Conqueror Jacek. The presence of the Fog Of War ruleset initially tempted me to lean towards Conqueror Jacek, aiming to exploit the Scattershot ability and target the more vulnerable backline. However, upon careful consideration, I opted for a strategy focused on concentrating my attacks on a single target. The goal was to swiftly eliminate the opponent and not leave it to the RNG of Scattershot! 😏

First Position, Forgotten One

When it comes to using the Fire Splinters, my preferred choice for a frontline tank is usually the Forgotten One. It proves to be a formidable monster, especially when facing Melee enemy tanks. The combination of its Retaliate and Piercing abilities allows it to efficiently defeat most Melee monsters, even if they do possess high Armor stats. With its naturally high Melee damage output it becomes an undeniable menace on the battlefield! 😤

Second Position, Ferox Defender
Third Position, Scavo Hireling

Even though situated in the backline, both the Ferox Defender and Scavo Hireling assume crucial roles in the battle, despite their incapacity to directly engage in attacks. The Ferox Defender's Protect ability, imparting a +2 Armor boost, while its Repair ability facilitates the restoration of damaged Armor each turn.

Simultaneously, the Scavo Hireling mirrors this restorative role with its Repair ability, delivering a double Repair effect during every turn! These capabilities prove particularly invaluable, especially in the context of WEAK MAGIC rulesets, where they establish significant synergies! 👏

Fourth Position, Magi Of Chaos
Fifth Position, Djinn Apprentice

Magi Of Chaos and Djinn Apprentice stand out as budget-friendly yet high-damage-output Monsters in the game. With a mere combined mana cost of 11, they boast impressive stats, each featuring a powerful 4 Magic attack! In a battle featuring the WEAK MAGIC ruleset, my goal was to unleash maximum damage per turn! 😜

Last Position, Djinn Inferni

Djinn Inferni is an incredibly powerful Monster known for its exceptional Magic damage and impressive Speed enabling it to launch swift attacks and potentially eliminate the opponent's before they could even perform their own attack. Additionally, Djinn Inferni possesses the underrated Giant Killer ability, allowing it to deal double damage when facing a target (i.e. Grum Flameblade or Coeurl Lurker) that costs 10 mana or more 💪

The Analysis

Considering the ruleset confines both players to employing Fire Splinters, the strategic choice revolved around facing the two Fire Summoners, Tarsa or Conqueror Jacek, or the Neutral Summoner, Lux Vega. As Lux Vega wasn't an available option for me, I settled on Tarsa for this battle. My approach aimed to concentrate all attacks on a single unit, instead of the reliance on the RNG-driven Scattershot ability granted by Conqueror Jacek to eliminate the opponent's weaker backline units! 😅

In this battle, my opponent selected the Conqueror Jacek, utilizing Magi Of Chaos, Djinn Inferni, and Ifrit Rising as their primary damage dealers. Despite their team's Speed advantage due to the +2 Speed buff from Conqueror Jacek, the distributed damage failed to swiftly eliminate my Monsters.

With the WEAK MAGIC ruleset in effect, I strategically devised a plan to enhance the resilience of my lineup, particularly leveraging the Ferox Defender and Scavo Hireling. The Protect and Repair abilities exhibited strong synergies with the ruleset, rendering my lineup more robust and less susceptible to enemy attacks! 😇

Do you guys have any better recommendations for setting up the team in this particular ruleset? Do share them with me in the below comments 😜

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All banners, dividers card and battle images used in this article are open source and obtained from the Splinterlands team or made by flauwy. Do check out his link for other amazing designs.

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