Friends By Passion

Tom who is a fifteen year old boy lives with his mom and younger sister in an old apartment. They had lost their dad in a car accident. They are not the rich type of people, they just live comfortably. He attends Boston high with his sister. He is often bullied by his class mates because they see him as a low life.



One day, while coming back from school with his little sister, he sees a woman near a grocery store searching for something frantically. He observes her and notices that she looks distressed then he decides to approach her. He greets her politely and asks;

一"You looking for something ma'am?"

The lady turns to look at him. He repeats his question again. Then the woman tells him what had happened reluctantly. She tells him that she had locked her son in the car with the heater on to get some groceries from the store and couldn't find her keys. Tom and his little sister decides to help her look for the keys. After searching for a little while, his little sister Layla finds the keys under some dirt on the side walk. She thanks them and asks them to follow her to her car. Upon getting to the car, she opens the car door and her son gets out. The woman opens her wallet and brings out a few bucks. But Tom is quick to reject it saying;

一"Thanks ma'am i just did what a normal person would have done."

The woman, stunned, looks at him amused and says;

一"You know you can always come to the house some other time, my son will need a good friend like you".

After collecting her home address, Tom and Layla wave at the woman as she drives off.

Getting home, Tom happily narrates what happened to his mom. His mom listens with a smile and look of admiration on her face. His mom rubs him and his sister on the head and tells them how their father would have been proud of them. The family of three eats their little dinner with satisfaction, prays and goes to bed.

The next day, Tom gets to class and finds a boy waving at him. He is suprised because no one cares or gives a shit about him. He hesitates thinking he is about to be bullied again but the boy keeps waving at him. Summoning courage, he walks over to the boy and recognises the boy as the boy from the other day. The boy introduces himself as Jim and invites Tom to sit beside him. During lunch break, Tom and Jim go to eat at the cafeteria together. Tom learns that Jim is the only child and he is very good at playing the guitar and has different collections. He tells Jim about his singing ability. The two boys become good friends. Jim always stood up to the bullies which was a boost to Tom's confidence.

One evening, Tom and his family are invited over for dinner at Jim's place. His mom is glad that her son is no more lonely and has got a friend. That evening, dinner is filled with joy and laughter. After dinner, Jim takes Tom and Layla to his room and leaves the adult to discuss. While in his room, Tom sings while Jim plays the guitar. Their music is so melodious that Layla rushes to get her mom and Jim's parents. Their parents are in awe of their voices. After the dinner that day, the two families keep in touch.



Some weeks later, Tom finds out that there is going to be a state music competition that the Governor will be hosting. The winners will be going home with a lot of money and scholarship. So many schools are invited including his own. He quickly goes to find Jim and tells him the news. They are so excited and decided to go for the auditions.



On the day of the auditions, Tom is nervous but Jim assures him saying;

一"Don't be nervous, let's just try our best".

Before the auditions start, their music instructor addresses them on the rules and gives them numbers. He tells them that the auditions would be done in pairs. Tom and Jim decide to pair up, Tom will sing while Jim plays the guitar. They decide to sing "The book of You and I " by Alec Benjamin. After the audition, The music teacher picks Tom and Jim to represent their school in the competition. People who are around during the auditions share the video of Tom and Jim singing on various social media platforms. Tom and Jim instantly bacome loved by their peers. The day before the competition, Tom spends the entire day and night practicing at Jim's place.

On the day of the competition, Jim's dad drives them, including Tom and his family, to the state's capital where the competition will be holding. Getting there, Tom and Jim bid their family goodbye and go over to join their school. While everyone busies themselves talking about the competition, the Governor, accompanied by his body guards, arrives. Everywhere becomes silent immediately. After the necessary salutations and greetings, the competition begins. Soon it is Boston high's turn to present. Tom and Jim, cheered by their school and parents, come out on the stage. Jim brings out his guitar and sits on a stool while Tom stands with the microphone. After introducing themselves, Jim starts the song with his guitar and Tom joins. They sing "Say you won't let go" by James Arthur. They sang the song with a lot of emotion which made people listen quietly.



Once the song ended the audience stands and applauds the boys with so much vigour. Even the Governor is impressed and amazed. There is suspense as the moderator calls out the winners starting from the third position;

一"The third position goes to Milton international school, the second position goes to Richland college and the first position goes to..."

He pauses. There is a pin-drop silence before he continues;

一" Boston high".

Instantly, there are loud screams. People scream and jump. Tom and Jim are covered with hugs. The Governor awards them with scholarship and a huge sum of money. Tom is so happy as he hugs his mom and Layla.

Tom gives his part of the money to his mom. She rents a new apartment for her family, buys new clothes for them and invests the rest of the money into a good business. Despite the riches, Tom does not become proud but stays humble. He also attends a lot of competitions even against other countries with his best friend Jim.



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