Either Bloom Or Fade

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How is the title? Isn't it deep? Yes it is deep. I'm not going to make it mysterious. Very simple writing concept or idea came to my mind when I was thinking about a lots of things. Here blooming will indicate expressing oneself and fade means keep hiding oneself from the world. If I compare this with being introvert and extrovert, that will be not so wrong.

Our life is like a flower. A flower when bloom it can be compared with our youth and when the flower get fade, it can be compare with the time when we will be old or die. Many of us enjoying the blooming season of our life but we can't forget about the time when we will be old or die. Before getting fade completely we should bloom completely which means we should enjoy our youth. Sometimes we just spend life and forget living a life.

Either bloom or fade, this also can be compared with do or die. See a single post title indicate so many things and I could discuss all these things but I'm going to discuss or focus only one topic for this single piece of blog or post, whatever you can say it. At first I was talking about being expressive like blooming and not so expressive like getting fade.

When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a movie actress (it make me laugh) and I always imagine myself dancing and singing in my favourite movie song (sounds so stupid 😂), I often dreamt that I became famous and all eyes are starring to me. I become famous as celebrities LOL. When I grew up a little and enter the teenage, I start imagining receiving Nobel Prize for doing something great in physics, hahah it still make me laugh a lot.

I wanted to bloom like a fool and when I know about my guts, I understand that I'm having silly dreams and later as a peace lover I became introvert who doesn’t like acting, day dreaming and who doesn’t like to pretend to be something she is not. I realized the life of a celebrity is not easy and peaceful, they can't move easily on public but I can. Actors or celebrities tell lies because each acting or modeling is a lie. Each get up, look and make up is artificial and that could be never my life. I'm glad that I realized the reality of such life.

Later, when I enter to teenage I start having day dreams. I wanted to be a scientist or physicist like Einstein 😂 what a aim! Here its not end, I had day dream of winning Nobel but there was no passion in me. A girl who studied limited syllabus to complete graduation and post-graduation, how could she (me) think off such things? Its so silly. I'm sharing it virtually because I can be open here as none can see my embarrassing face after reading all these silly dreams. These things going to make you laugh too.

I prefer getting fade as I want to live a life with peace and want to live a life of a common people who can move easily on public. I've no regret that I was not crazy and passionate about such silly dreams I had. I don’t want to be famous at all. I didn’t born to be bloom and I've accepted it!

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