The Power of Opinion


Hello my fellow hivians,
Hope everyone is doing good. So straight the topic at hand, which is “the power of an opinion”. WE all have the power to hold an opinion or no opinion about something or anything and not letting it upset or affect our state of mind.

What is an opinion??

An opinion in a dictionary meaning refers to one view or judgement about something. So basically an opinion is just what we think of something be it a situation, event, thing, or someone. One’s opinion is a very powerful tool that can affect one’s action drastically and even quite possible in some situations upset one’s mind state.


Considering a very visual situation for example, lets all take time to think about all the upsetting this you don’t currently know about, stuff that people might have said behind your back, or mistakes you have made never realising then, or stuff you have lost without realizing it.

In all these situations, what then is your reactions? You tend not to have one or at least not affect you. Now consider having actually knowing about these situations, this would have caused one to think too much obsess about loss thing that can be of no help any longer which will further result to upsetting the state of mind of people.


This just proves the power of one’s opinion, it is possible to hold NO opinion about a negative event or thing. For one to become a master of his or her own opinion, they will need to cultivate the power and willingness to accept thing accidentally to be able to move on hence avoiding mental stress or anything of that sorts. Another way to master one’s opinion is to have no thoughts about things, acting as if you have no idea of the situation occurring what so ever.

Thank you for reading.

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