Hello my dear friends of Hive, I join the initiative proposed by our dear friend @charjaim about love in times of covid, as we all know this virus that killed many people was an alarming news for everyone, something that was not expected and that filled us with much fear when leaving home, This disease was something that impacted our lives as many people died among them, friends, family, neighbors, and it was a time to reflect on many things and more than this to value those who were with us in those difficult moments.
Cambió realmente el ser humano ante el miedo que aún provoca esta enfermedad? / Have human beings really changed in the face of the fear that this disease still provokes?
Yo creo que en su mayoría no, al principio de esta pandemia todos estábamos asustados por la gravedad de esta enfermedad, había mucha unión entre las personas, se ayudaban unas a otras pero a raíz que todo esto fue pasando, el miedo también fue pasando y las personas volvieron a ser las mismas o quizás peor, a lo mejor hay quienes si dieron un cambio de una manera radical porque tal vez vivieron una experiencia que les hizo cambiar la visión de ver las cosas, yo digo siempre que las cosas pasan por algo, y cuando tenemos una experiencia que marca nuestra vida es para ser mejor persona.
I think that most of us were not, at the beginning of this pandemic we were all scared because of the seriousness of this disease, there was a lot of unity among people, they helped each other but as all this was passing, fear was also passing and people went back to being the same or maybe worse, maybe there are those who did change in a radical way because maybe they lived an experience that made them change their vision of seeing things, I always say that things happen for a reason, and when we have an experience that marks our life is to be a better person.
Cuáles fueron esos actos de amor que provocaron sorpresa? Fuiste testigo o protagonista? / What were those acts of love that caused surprise? Were you a witness or a protagonist?
Yo trabajé en un supermercado el cual era surtido desde otro estado, y fui testigo de la gran cantidad de medicamentos que enviaron para ser repartidos a los lugares más vulnerables y no sólo eso, también se recibieron bolsas de comida para esas personas, y al ver en sus rostros lágimas de alegría para mí fue de mucha satisfacción, es bueno saber que en los momentos más díficiles de nuestra vida Dios no se olvida de nosotros.
I worked in a supermarket which was supplied from another state, and I witnessed the large amount of medicines that were sent to be distributed to the most vulnerable places and not only that, we also received bags of food for those people, and to see on their faces tears of joy for me was very satisfying, it is good to know that in the most difficult moments of our lives God does not forget us.
Viviste experiencias que marcaron tu vida? / Did you live experiences that marked your life?
Experiencia personal no, pero creo que al ver la gran cantidad de muertes a nivel mundial es algo que nos marcó a todos, recuerdo ver una noticia donde murieron la mayoría de una familia y es algo realmente doloroso, yo le doy gracias a Dios por haberme dado el privilegio de tener hoy día a toda mi familia viva y sana y que esta enfermedad no los tocó para nada, pero hubieron personas que no tuvieron este priviligio y es algo realmente triste y doloroso.
No personal experience, but I think that seeing the large number of deaths worldwide is something that marked us all, I remember seeing a news item where most of a family died and it is something really painful, I thank God for having given me the privilege of having all my family alive and healthy today and that this disease did not touch them at all, but there were people who did not have this privilege and it is something really sad and painful.
Qué lección importante acerca del amor en pandemia te dejó esta experiencia? / What important lesson about love in pandemic did this experience teach you?
Esa lección que para mí es importante y que dejó esta pandemia fue valorar a las personas que tenemos a nuestro lado, bien sea familia, amigos, vecinos, compañeros de trabajo, no valorar lo que tenemos sino a quien tenemos, y que en los momentos más duros, dolorosos, son los que siempre están allí para tendernos su mano, y digo esto porque en algunas ocasiones ignoramos este tipo de personas y son ese tipo de personas los que necesitamos en nuestra vida, con actitudes positivas, con buenos consejos, las que no les importa estar allí para nosotros, valoremos este tipo de atenciones, la unión también es una lección importante, como dice el dicho: en la unión está la fuerza, dejemos de lado los rencores y aprendamos a vivir en unidad, conocí de una familia que no se trataban en su mayoría por problemas familiares obviamente y a raíz de esta gran pandemia y que murieron varias personas de esa familia hubo entre ellos reconciliación en medio del dolor. Seamos personas unidas y aprendamos a convivir no necesariamente cuando pase algo como esto, sino seamos unidos todo el tiempo sin importar la condición social de cada familia.
That lesson that for me is important and that this pandemic left was to value the people we have by our side, whether family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, not to value what we have but who we have, and that in the hardest, most painful moments, they are the ones who are always there to reach out to us, and I say this because sometimes we ignore this type of people and these are the kind of people we need in our lives, with positive attitudes, with good advice, those who do not mind being there for us, we value this type of attention, the union is also an important lesson, as the saying goes: I knew of a family that did not treat each other mostly because of family problems obviously and as a result of this great pandemic and the death of several people in that family, there was reconciliation among them in the midst of pain. Let us be united people and learn to live together not necessarily when something like this happens, but let us be united all the time regardless of the social condition of each family.