¿Construyes Puentes o Muros? Iniciativa (Esp-Eng)

Hola amigos de esta maravillosa comunidad de Holos & Lotus que gusto estar por aquí y participar en esta primera iniciativa con ustedes. Hoy tomando un tema muy importante y reflexivo sobre lo que somos y representamos para otros.

Con base en el tema recordé una anécdota de hace muchos años, dónde una pareja de amigos estaba pasando por una crisis de pareja muy fuerte, una amiga y yo hablábamos actualmente al respecto, de cómo de pronto esa relación se había deteriorado tan rápido a pesar de que ellos se veían muy enamorados y lo que había ocurrido.

¿Construyes Puentes o Muros.jpg

Tuve la necesidad de conversar con cada uno de ellos de forma separada (la pareja de cuál hablo) y escuchar los motivos por los cuales su relación estaba a punto de terminar, fue así cuando entendí que todo se basaba en entendimiento y en estar escuchando comentario de terceros. Y estos terceros venían siendo muchas veces amistades cercanas, quien en vez de aconsejar, venían era a alborotar cada vez más lo que ya estaba en conflicto.

Entendí que ellos se amaban y que su relación estaba por terminar, solo por qué escuchaban comentarios mal intencionados, el uno del otro. Ella desconfiaba de que él le fuese fiel, pues había una compañera, quien frecuentemente le decía cosas de que él le era infiel y todos lo sabían, esto la hacía llenar de ira y estar en constante pelea con su pareja.

Hello friends of this wonderful Holos & Lotus community, what a pleasure to be here and participate in this first initiative with you. Today I am taking a very important and reflective topic about what we are and what we represent to others.
Based on the theme I remembered an anecdote from many years ago, where a couple of friends were going through a very strong couple crisis, a friend and I were talking about it, how suddenly that relationship had deteriorated so fast despite the fact that they seemed very much in love and what had happened.
I had the need to talk to each of them separately (the couple I am talking about) and listen to the reasons why their relationship was about to end, that's when I understood that everything was based on understanding and listening to comments from third parties. And these third parties were often close friends, who instead of giving advice, came to stir up more and more what was already in conflict.
I understood that they loved each other and that their relationship was about to end, only because they were listening to ill-intentioned comments about each other. She was suspicious that he was faithful to her, because there was a partner, who often said things that he was unfaithful and everyone knew it, this made her angry and constantly fighting with her partner.



Mientras que esta misma muchacha, quien gustaba de mi amigo, le decía que su mujer no lo merecía, y que ella misma le había confesado que había tenido aventuras con otros hombres sin que su novio lo supiera. Esto lo llenaba a el de decepción, la trataba mal porque estaba lleno de ira, ambos se hacían desplantes y ya no se hablaban, investigue de forma individual la rabia de ambos y todo era por chismes e inventos de una mujer celosa.

Esta tercera en discordia que se hacía pasar por amiga de ambos, se le metía en la cama a mi amigo, alegando que no se sintiera culpable, pues su mujer le hacía lo mismo y le metía hombre por los ojos a la mujer para que le fuera infiel a su marido o para que al menos la vieran hablando con otros y así ella tener cierta evidencia.

La relación de ellos se acabó y ambos estaban separados creyendo en que su pareja le era infiel, cuando descubrí quién era la manzana de la discordia la encare y le dije que ya sabía lo que hacía y que la iba a delatar, su cara de sorpresa fue tal que se tornó agresiva y quiso golpearme, me amenazó y dijo que acabaría conmigo.

Lo primero que hice fue buscar a estos hombres con quien mi amigo creía que su novia le era infiel y en efecto, nada de eso había ocurrido, la tercera en cuestión les había dicho lo que mi amiga gustaba de ellos y quería conocerlos y así hizo con todos, busque a mi amigo y le conté todo lo que pasaba, al principio fue difícil de creer, pero fue mostrándole cada detalle de la farsa que le habían hecho creer y las verdaderas intenciones de esta mala mujer.

While this same girl, who liked my friend, told him that his wife did not deserve him, and that she herself had confessed to him that she had had affairs with other men without her boyfriend's knowledge. This filled him with disappointment, he treated her badly because he was full of anger, both of them were making rudeness and no longer spoke to each other, I investigated individually the anger of both of them and it was all because of gossip and inventions of a jealous woman.
This third party in discord, who pretended to be a friend of both of them, would get into bed with my friend, claiming that he should not feel guilty, because his wife did the same to him and put a man in her eyes so that she would be unfaithful to her husband or so that at least she would be seen talking to others and thus she would have some evidence.
Their relationship ended and both were separated believing that her partner was unfaithful, when I discovered who was the apple of discord I confronted her and told her that I already knew what she was doing and that I was going to tell on her, her face of surprise was such that she became aggressive and wanted to hit me, she threatened me and said she would finish with me.
The first thing I did was to look for these men with whom my friend believed that his girlfriend was unfaithful and indeed, nothing of the sort had happened, the third one in question had told them what my friend liked about them and wanted to meet them and so she did with all of them, I looked for my friend and told him everything that was happening, at first it was hard to believe, but I showed him every detail of the farce that he had been led to believe and the true intentions of this bad woman.



Lo mismo hice con su novia, pero aquí me costó más, pues ya esta mujercita se me había adelantado, diciéndole que yo también tenía una aventura con él. Al final de hablar con ella y explicarle todo lo que había ocurrido, pudimos darnos cuenta de que todo había Sido una gran cantidad de mentiras que hizo que ellos se alejaran.

Todas esas mujeres de las que hablaba eran solo ella, quien deseaba el hombre de su amiga, y ya aclarada la verdad y habiendo enfrentado lo que ocurría, mis amigos se lograron ver nuevamente junto a mí, aclaramos todas las mentiras, se evidenció la verdadera infidelidad y la causa y ellos decidieron perdonarse y darse un tiempo y recuperar su amistad primeramente.

Se volvieron a tener confianza y a darse su espacio, salían como amigos hasta que llegaron al punto de entender que eran el uno para el otro y de lo importante que era confiar en ellos mismos y enfrentar esos comentarios mal intencionados, con el tiempo volvieron a ser una pareja y actualmente viven felices en otro país y tienen a una niña de dos años.

Hablando con una amiga actualmente, recordábamos a esta pareja, de como se habían separado y actualmente luego de aclarar todo viven felices otra vez, decidieron darse otra oportunidad. Y de como yo me había convertido en ese puente para que ellos se reencontrarán nuevamente y que en esta oportunidad triunfará el amor. Y con esta anécdota finalizó mi participación de hoy, gracias por leerme y será hasta una próxima iniciativa.

I did the same with his girlfriend, but here it cost me more, because this little woman had already gone ahead of me, telling him that I was also having an affair with him. At the end of talking to her and explaining everything that had happened, we were able to realize that everything had been a lot of lies that made them move away.
All those women she was talking about were just her, who wanted her friend's man, and once the truth was clarified and having faced what was happening, my friends were able to see each other again, we clarified all the lies, the real infidelity and the cause became evident and they decided to forgive each other and give themselves some time and recover their friendship first.
They became confident again and gave each other their space, they went out as friends until they reached the point of understanding that they were for each other and how important it was to trust in themselves and face those ill-intentioned comments, eventually they became a couple again and now they live happily in another country and have a two year old daughter.
Talking with a friend now, we were remembering this couple, how they had separated and now after clearing everything up they are living happily again, they decided to give themselves another chance. And how I had become that bridge for them to meet again and that this time love will triumph. And with this anecdote ended my participation today, thank you for reading me and will be until a next initiative.



Texto de Natalia León, traductor DeepL utilizado, aplicación Canva y pixabay para las fotos complementarias/Text by Natalia León, translator DeepL used, Canva application and pixabay for the complementary photos.

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