Mi proceso para descubrir las secuelas del Covid-19. ESP-ENG

Hay cambios que suceden de un segundo a otro.

Secuelas del COVID-19.

Hace unas cuantas semanas empecé a sentirme mal, pero, de una forma diferente a la común. No eran malestares de una simple gripe, ni dolores conocidos. Más bien era algo que iba más allá a nivel corporal.

Se acercaba la fecha de viaje a Madrid-España, cuando un día, me empieza un leve dolor de cabeza, que perdura por unas semanas. Resulta que luego del dolor de cabeza se iban sumando malestares, incomodidades y sentires a nivel corporal que en mi vida había experimentado.

En ese momento donde empiezo a experimentar todos estos malestares, me estoy chequeando una lesión que tenía a nivel abdominal. Aproveché el momento y les comento a los doctores que me estaban tratando la lesión lo que me estaba pasando.
En si como no era realmente en lo que ellos me estaban ayudando, solo me dijeron lo que posiblemente era. Pero, realmente no era nada preciso.

En eso, en otro chequeo que me estaba haciendo del colon, me envían a donde una doctora, la Dra. María Fé Marín (gastroenterólogo), para que me indique qué realmente debo tomar para aliviar. En el momento en el que me la encuentro, todo fluye y no solo me dice que debo tomar para tratar la incomodidad que tenía en el colon sino que conversamos de varias cosas a cerca del aparato digestivo, sacándome así de varias dudas empolvadas que me guardaba.

El tiempo pasaba, se acercaba más la fecha de viaje y a pesar estaba resolviendo una parte a nivel de salud, estaba la otra que no lograba descifrar. Los malestares seguían y nada de saber que era.

En una de esas le menciono a la Dra. María lo que me estaba pasando y de inmediato me envía con un especialista. Al ir con el Doctor y conversar un buen rato con él, me comenta su conclusión, diciendo: "María, en términos generales estás bien, no encuentro nada que este fuera de lo normal", pero luego de eso me hace una pregunta. Me pregunta; ¿te dió COVID-19?. Y yo por dentro me dije que buena pregunta jaja. Le respondí diciendo; "hubo una vez que me dió una gripe medio extraña, en aquel momento me fui hacer la prueba del Covid y salí negativa".

Luego de que el Doctor escuchara mi historia me dice, "te voy a mandar hacer una prueba de Covid (esta que te dice si lo tuviste y la que te dice si lo tienes), todo para descartar. Y yo le comento que perfecto.

Voy, me hago la prueba y días después retiro los resultados, que indicaban: 1) que sí tuve el COVID-19 y 2) que actualmente no lo tengo.

Cuando el doctor ve los resultados me dice, es esto lo que tienes, estás padeciendo las secuelas del COVID-19 y fué allí donde yo quedo tranquila, porque por fin dimos con qué era lo que me pasaba. El me da unas recomendaciones y me dice que este tranquila.

Cuando por fin tuve estos resultados y supe lo que tenía, solo faltaba una semana para viajar.

Agradezco tal cual pasaron las cosas porque gracias a esas secuelas me tuve que chequear varias cosas que al tener los resultados pude decir, estoy sana, saludable para viajar.

Agradezco a la vida por su majestuosa forma de hacer las cosas.

Una semana después viaje a Madrid - España.

-A las secuelas del Covid-19, quien me agarró desprevenida, para enseñarme que las cosas y salud pueden cambiar de un segundo a otro. Mis respetos. Hoy en día me cuido aún más.

-A los doctores que me atendieron (Valera-Trujillo-Venezuela), quienes con su maravilloso trato y humanidad me llevaron a la solución de mi situación, gracias. En especial a la Dra. María Fé Marin, doctora a la que le tengo mucho cariño y respeto. Gracias por lo atenta, por ser guía y por el respeto.
Con amor desde mi ser. MC

Gracias comunidad, por tomarse el tiempo para leer este escrito.


My process to discover the consequences of Covid-19.

There are changes that happen from one second to the next.

Sequences of COVID-19.

A few weeks ago I started to feel bad, but in a different way than usual. They were not ailments from a simple flu, nor known pain. Rather it was something that went beyond the bodily level.

The date of the trip to Madrid-Spain was approaching, when one day, I started a slight headache, which lasted for a few weeks. It turns out that after the headache, ailments, discomforts and feelings on a bodily level that I had experienced in my life were added.

At that moment when I begin to experience all these discomforts, I am checking an injury that I had at the abdominal level. I took advantage of the moment and told the doctors who were treating my injury what was happening to me.
In fact, since it wasn't really what they were helping me with, they just told me what it possibly was. But, it really wasn't accurate at all.

In that, in another checkup that I was doing of the colon, they send me to see a doctor, Dr. María Fé Marín (gastroenterologist), to tell me what I really should take to relieve. At the moment I meet her, everything flows and not only does she tell me what I should take to treat the discomfort I had in the colon, but we also talked about various things related to the digestive system, thus removing several dusty doubts that I had.

Time passed, the travel date was getting closer and despite the fact that he was solving one part at the health level, there was the other that he could not decipher. The discomforts continued and nothing to know what it was.

In one of those I mentioned to Dr. María what was happening to me and she immediately sent me to a specialist. When I went to the Doctor and talked to him for a long time, he told me his conclusion, saying: "Maria, in general terms you're fine, I can't find anything out of the ordinary", but after that he asks me a question. Asks me; Did you get COVID-19? And inside I said to myself what a good question haha. I responded by saying; "There was one time that I had a strange flu, at that moment I went to take the Covid test and it came out negative."

After the Doctor listened to my story, he told me, "I'm going to send you to do a Covid test (this one that tells you if you had it and the one that tells you if you have it), everything to rule it out. And I tell him that it's perfect.

I go, take the test and days later I withdraw the results, which indicated: 1) that I did have COVID-19 and 2) that I currently do not have it.

When the doctor sees the results, he tells me, this is what you have, you are suffering from the consequences of COVID-19 and it was there that I was calm, because we finally found out what was happening to me. He gives me some recommendations and tells me to be calm.

When I finally had these results and knew what I had, I was only a week away from traveling.

I am grateful for how things happened because thanks to these sequelae I had to check several things that when I had the results I could say, I am healthy, healthy to travel.

I thank life for its majestic way of doing things.

A week later I traveled to Madrid - Spain.

-To the aftermath of Covid-19, who caught me off guard, to teach me that things and health can change from one second to another. My respects. Today I take care of myself even more.

-To the doctors who treated me (Valera-Trujillo-Venezuela), who with their wonderful treatment and humanity led me to the solution of my situation, thank you. Especially to Dr. María Fé Marin, a doctor for whom I have a lot of affection and respect. Thank you for the attention, for being a guide and for the respect.
With love from my being. MC

Thank you community, for taking the time to read this writing.

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