My experience playing RS ... surfing to the top [ENG/ESP]

Captura de pantalla 2021-12-12 a la(s) 08.32.23.png

Captura de pantalla 2021-12-11 a la(s) 19.33.44.png

Hello,in Rising Stars I am known as Mr Candy , currently 75 in the ranking of the game. I have been playing for 2 months and 2 weeks, I found out about this game since I am a musician and **RS** gives me the opportunity to make my songs NFT. I started playing with an investment of around $ 300 usd during the first week with which I bought some envelopes and 2 xp booster x 10, which were of great help to be able to get to the third island where I am currently, at the beginning of the second month I invested in the purchase of a million starbits and a couple of envelopes more, with which I have reinvested in trying to complete the collection of cards of the game and climb more in the top since one of the things that has led me to be Within the ranking is the amount of minutes played per week always being within the top 10 weekly.

Captura de pantalla 2021-12-11 a la(s) 18.52.45.png

Among the important data that you could share are:

-i have 12 cold pizza slide ,3 pizza box and 2 risky wiskie
-Despite starting the lessons with the most expensive instrument, I was able to switch to the orchestral instruments.
-I was lucky enough to only have to do 17 auditions to be able to go to the third island
-I have carried a total of 2901 missions in total, being "open mic nigth" the one that I have done the most with a total of 483 times
-I have done the mission "starbit millionare" a total of 37 times

Captura de pantalla 2021-12-11 a la(s) 18.51.01.png

My next goals are to increase my profit to be able to buy 12 packs every 2 days, try to complete the collection, minting an NFT song and releasing my first legendary in a pack ... will I be lucky?

Captura de pantalla 2021-12-11 a la(s) 19.33.23.png

Hola en Rising Stars se me conoce como Mr Candy , actualmente 75 en el ranking de el juego.Llevo 2 meses y 2 semanas jugando ,me entere de este juego ya que soy musico y RS me da la oportunidad de hacer NFT mis cancion asi que comencé a jugar con una inversion alrededor de $300 usd durante la primera semana con la cual compre unos sobres y 2 xp booster x 10 , las cuales fueron de gran ayuda para poder llegar hasta la tercera isla donde me encuentro actualmente ,al inicio de el segundo mes inverti en la compra de un millon de starbits y un par de sobres mas, con los cuales he reinvertido en intentar completar la coleccion de cartas de el juego y escalar mas en el top ya que una de las cosas que me ha llevado a estar dentro de el ranking es la cantidad de minutos jugados a la semana siempre encontrandome dentro del el top 10 semanal.

Dentro de los datos importantes que podria compartir estan :

-A pesar de comenzar las lecciones con el instrumento mas caro ya pude cambiarme a los de orquesta.
-tuve la suerte de solo tener que hacer 17 audiciones para poder pasar a la tercera isla
-llevo un total de 2920 misiones en total , siendo "open mic nigth" la que mas he hecho con un total de 483 veces
-la mision "starbit millionare" la he realizado un total de 37 veces

mis metas proximas son aumentar mi profit para poder comprar 12 packs cada 2 dias , intentar completar la coleccion ,mintear una cancion NFT y sacar mi primera legendaria en un pack ... tendre suerte?

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