Zingtober Day 19 Ridge [ESP/ENG]

Hello friends of Hive and the Holozing community, I hope you're having a lovely day full of joys.

Hola amigos de Hive y comunidad de Holozing, espero estén teniendo un lindo día lleno de alegrías.

We continue with Zingtober, following this year's Inktober calendar. It's the turn of day 19 with the theme "Ridge." The previous day, I had made an ice elemental baby dragon driving a car, and for this day, I wanted to repeat the protagonist.

Continuamos con el Zingtober, siguiendo el calendario del Inktober de este año. Es el turno del día 19 con la temática "Ridge". El día anterior había realizado un dragón bebé elemental de hielo manejando un auto, y para este día quise repetir protagonista.

I started from a sketch following the structure I had already defined for the dragon. Honestly, I didn't have much faith in the sketch, but the result surprised me. The main idea was to draw our dragon hatching from its egg in some lonely snowy cliffs. What I liked the most was the expression of the dragon, which I obtained unintentionally, a face that reflects a mix of amazement and fear, perhaps due to the extraordinary desolate landscape.

Partí de un boceto siguiendo la estructura que ya tenía definida para el dragón. La verdad, no tenía mucha fe en el boceto, pero el resultado me sorprendió. La idea principal era dibujar a nuestro dragón eclosionando de su huevo en unos riscos nevados y solitarios. Me gustó sobre todo la expresión del dragón que obtuve sin proponérmelo, una cara que refleja una mezcla de asombro y miedo, quizás por lo extraordinario del paisaje desolado.

For this drawing, I used Photoshop, so after finishing the initial base color, for testing, I deactivated the line art layer, and what I found surprised me a lot. So, contrary to what I had planned for Zingtober, to always make simple grayscale drawings with ink and graphite brushes, I wanted to go much further, exploring different brushes and overlaying a blue color layer with which I played with blending options to integrate it into the image. Also, to create the clouds, I used a technique I had seen on YouTube and was eager to try.

Para este dibujo usé Photoshop, así que después de terminar el color base inicial, por probar, desactivé la capa del line art, y lo que encontré me sorprendió mucho. Así que, contrario a lo que tenía planeado para el Zingtober, hacer siempre dibujos sencillos a escala de grises y con pinceles de tinta y grafito, quise ir mucho más lejos, explorando distintos pinceles y sobreponiendo una capa de color azul con la que jugué con las opciones de fusión para que se integrara a la imagen. También, para crear las nubes usé una técnica que había visto en YouTube y estaba ansioso por probar.

Without a doubt, I think this is my favorite drawing of all Zingtober, and the one to which I dedicated the most time, with greater empirical exploration and trial and error. We still have days left to keep playing, and I hope to repeat the experience. So, without further ado, I leave you with part of the process, and I hope you enjoy it. As always, we read each other in the comments. Until next time. Bye!

Sin dudas, creo que de todo Zingtober este es mi dibujo favorito y al que más tiempo, con mayor exploración empírica y ensayo y error, dediqué. Aún nos quedan días para seguir jugando y espero repetir la experiencia. Así que, sin más, los dejo con parte del proceso y espero lo disfruten. Como siempre, nos leemos en los comentarios. Hasta la próxima. ¡Chau!

I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.

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