Finally I am a welder πŸ’₯ but what am i building today?

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Having now successfully welded my first tensor ring I feel pretty good about the winter season before me which will see the production of many items which, due to having been welded, will last a lifetime.

Prior to this moment I had been attaching the ends of my tensor rings with a separate coil of copper. It looks okay but it's a bit of a pain to do and if you pull it really hard it will come apart, so it's unlikely to last a lifetime.

I bought this oxygen/butane welding kit a month ago but have been pretty busy since then and only got around to firing it up for the first time today.

Sorry to say there are no pictures of the welding moment itself. I was alone at the time and a bit nervous.

My first attempt didn't go so well and the tensor ring attached itself to the brazing rod, at which point I turned everything off for a moment and took a few deep breaths.

I've watched a few youtube vids but for the most part I am just winging it.

Here is my second attempt, which was pretty damn perfect if I do say so myself. Just a bit black now around the area which had been heated.

Here is the join.

It is 100% solid. I tried and it is impossible to pull apart.

Going back to youtube I saw that one can put dirty copper in a mix of vinegar & salt for ten minutes to clean it, so I gave this a try and was quite impressed by the results.

I then gave it a polish with some Brasso and finally a tissue to remove the dirt.

Can you spot the join now? Sabrina couldn't.

Which is a great sign! If the join cannot be seen this is surely a decent bit of welding.

It has been raining since then and I've not been able to get back outside to do more welding so I will show you instead some of the other creations going on around here.

The main thing I am excited about at the moment are these spheres, made from three interlocking half sized sacred cubit tensor rings.

I intend to give these spheres away each with a Heddeka/Triskelion base. This one was the first base I ever made and it is set with crushed shungite, made in the bottom of a soy yogurt pot.

On the back I have attached some card and my direct intention for this device at the moment, which goes under my pillow while I sleep. "No more bad dreams".

Yes, I have nightmares sometimes and this device has helped somewhat but not completely. In truth, the only thing I know of which helps every time is a direct request to Archangel Michael that he stop anything negative getting through to me while I sleep. The problem is that I am so very tired when I hit my pillow (usually asleep within 2mins) and it is extremely hard in this moment either to remember or feel motivated to pray. But I'm getting there with the praying routine and in time nightmares will be a thing of the past.

My yoga & meditation routine for the first time in my life appears solid now. Every morning for an hour, between 6.30-7.30am. It has been this way since I started with the BQH sessions, sensing more strongly my non physical self and the need to connect regularly.

During the day the base is used in conjunction with the sacred cubit sphere and a single terminated quartz crystal in the centre to amplify the signal.

I cannot yet speak with authority on these devices but I believe when combined in this way tensor rings become a tensor field generator, capable of projecting your desired frequency out to a much larger area.

My new friend and BQH guide Fina sent me this image from Facebook showing a four ring tensor sphere with the frequency of 852Hz being played behind it.
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The person who posted the image had this to say:

"I like to place the Tensor Field Generator in front of our little music box while playing different healing frequencies. The theory is that the Tensor Field Generator will amplify the frequency and send it out in a 5-7 mile range, therefore helping the whole neighbourhood."

Curious to put this to the test, in the last few days I have been playing frequencies on my phone next to this device, specifically from Z-App which I will write about in due course.

Can't really say I've personally felt the difference but I did notice last night that Esteban stopped coughing when I played a frequency which is known to stop coughing. Children are naturally more sensitive to these things than us hardened adults.
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I will experiment now with more rings in the sphere and a better connection with the quartz crystal.

These days you can find audio frequency files which will fix any ailment you can think of and in the last few days I have been looking specifically at the audio files of David Halliday who amongst other things has a frequency which will help me get rid of my grey hair!
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And, if I use a Tensor Field Generator in conjunction it will make this entire region look a lot younger! Sounds so crazy it can't be true. But how can I really say with certainly till I have tried it?

Not so sure about David Halliday's prices however. The "we all gotta eat" line just doesn't wash with me anymore but I believe it is only a question of time before all these healing frequencies will be free to everyone.

Over on the Shardana Geometries telegram group I have seen how it is possible to create bubbles in a glass of water by placing it inside the sphere. An experiment you can be sure is coming soon. The bubbles don't prove much but they do show a clear physical interaction between the device and the water. And that's just cool!

My next base is currently being made in the bottom of a houmous pot.

Instead of the black shungite in this one I am using white quartz, also known as snow quartz.

There is a great effect when you hold it up to the light and I am looking forward to taking it out tomorrow!

The Heddeka design itself I am not happy with and have some ideas about how I am going to improve it. Coming soon...

Love making these little pendants. Quartz crystal set in a quarter sized sacred cubit tensor ring. Wear it with a metal chain and the effects will be further conducted to your body.

Made this thing. Don't really know what it is.

Not really sure what this is either. Just messing around with ideas.

I am however always making sure to retain one of the known cubit lengths when measuring the total length at the beginning of each creation. This way, no matter what they end up looking like, they will still have a positive effect on their surroundings.

Here is an orgonite pyramid being made, this one with a tensor ring in the middle. Just waiting for this layer to dry before I add the last one tomorrow.

My water energiser has now become a holder for tensor rings which are waiting for welding!

Fingers crossed for an end to the rain and I can continue...

Final thoughts

Next week Sabrina & I intend to create sets of seven hanging tensor rings with chakra stones suspended in the middle, something like what you can see here.
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I think it is worth remembering "there is nothing new under the sun" and our mission here is not so much to create new things but to add our own personal twist to existing things. In truth it can be no other way so don't beat yourself up about being a plagiarist. Every time I see something I like the look of I take a picture and store it away for future reference.

Like these plant pot holders for example which I spotted the other day while helping my friend move out of her house. Love the design and feel sure I could make something like this now.

We also loved these, while checking through the items available at mybouddha.
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And this!
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Like me, Sabrina is on a creative splurge at the moment, last month making a bag for my Eeman circuit.

This month an advent calendar for the children.

And a tensor ring tree of life.

Pretty amazing right! And this from a woman who told me 9 years ago (when we first met) that she wasn't creative.

Esteban wanted to make a very specific wooden game a few weeks back so I cut the wooden fish out for him and attached the hooks.

The idea is to go 'fishing' and get it done in an allocated time period.

Interestingly I saw the importance of wooden games for children in one of my recent BQH sessions and again feel as if Esteban & I are very much connected by our mission here on this physical playground.

As a way to better connect with Luna we are together building a Barbie house. Currently looking like a bunch of cardboard boxes!

I have promised her that we will dedicate time to it this weekend. The paint was bought yesterday and I have some ideas how to make the stairs.

The children are not so interested in helping out with copper or orgonite creations for now, which is fine. Instead they are currently loving to hang competitively on this bar.
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Luna is pretty amazing at this and can hang here for over a minute sometimes.

I attached an old iphone to the wall so that we can time ourselves. Personally I do a minimum of 10mins a day just hanging here now. One minute at a time, ten times a day. So simple yet so effective as a way to stretch and relax our body.

On this occasion, despite Luna's unearthly powers, Esteban did beat his sister, as confirmed in the photo finish.

Am generally not a big fan of competition other than as a way to motivate ourselves. Indeed, Roger Bannister would not have been able to achieve the four minute mile without his faithful frontrunners with whom he would compete in the earlier stages of the race.

Interesting side-note on this event is that once Bannister had proved it was possible, humans all over the world started breaking this record, despite everyone believing it to be impossible prior to Bannister's achievement. You see the human mind is limited by its own belief system and it only took one man on this occasion to believe something so strongly that the rest of the world woke up the next day with new abilities.

And they say a single person can't change the world ;)

Love & Light everyone 🌱


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