"Drawing a Mr Puppy"

Drawing a Mr Puppy

Hey que tal hivers?

Greeting hiver's


Les quiero compartir el dibujo que acabe de realizar , esta vez acerca de un perrito un tanto peculiar ,ya que esta vestido con un genial traje y un sombrero que le da un offit genial para su raza ,aunque si es un dibujo sacado de otro dibujo, xD pero si me parece genial su look ,que bueno lo volvi hacer para ver que tanto he mejorado .

I want to share with you the drawing I just made, this time about a peculiar doggy, because he is dressed with a great suit and a hat that gives him a great offit for his breed, although it is a drawing taken from another drawing, xD but if I think his look is great, good thing I did it again to see how much I have improved.


Fui dibujando el hocico del perro,para asi fui dibujando con trazados semicirculares con el boligrafo , y pasar dibujando el sombrero que lleva .

I started drawing the dog's snout, and then I started drawing with semicircular lines with the pen, and then I started drawing the hat he wears.


Luego fui dibujando el pelaje del perro con el boligrafo poco a poco.

Then I drew the dog's fur with the pen little by little.



Imagen de referencia


barra separadora comienzo.png

Gracias por ver y apreciar mis dibujos.

Thank you for viewing and appreciating my drawings.

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Drawing a Mr Puppy

This is a cross post of @elvlogdedany/drawing-a-mr-puppy by @elvlogdedany.

Drawing a Mr Puppy

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