Punks In The Trunk Make Us All Rich


Punks In The Trunk Make Us All Rich

Hey folks,

As always, I am a bit late to the party. I initially wanted to write about the first steps of my journey as a Punk-owner as soon, as I minted my first one, but life and the nasty habit of procrastination got in the way and after a while, there were so many great articles about this event (from @belemo, @celestal, @claudio83 or @steemmatt, to only name a few), that I cut my losses and postponed my article. But in the back of my mind, I still wanted to write about this great project, which will yield great returns for Hodlers. I'm fairly certain of that. Diamond hands are the key to great returns, when you found a project, that is worth hodling in my opinion.


As the Punks hit the scene at the first day of Hive-Fest (@themarkymark developed the collection and its details three weeks prior and wanted to surprise the community on the pivotal event for the Hive community), they got an overwhelming response from whales and small-time investors like myself.
For only 20 Hive (this was a discount only in place over the span of the Hive-Fest), you could mint one Punk and after the Hive-Fest you could have minted one Punk for 25 Hive. But after only 36 hours all Punks were already minted. It was goldrush like in the olden times, when the first goldnuggets were found in the Golden State of California.
As I had powered up or delegated all of my liquid Hive, I had to be creative to put my hands on these NFT's as soon as possible because I understood early on, that the little fellows and fellowettes could only be minted for a short period of time. After that, all bets were off in my opinion. I foresaw a floor-price of 1k Hive and therefore FOMO kicked in, a rather real sense of FOMO. Because I'd have missed out on on of the most exciting projects to this day.

Rob a money transporter, turning tricks, begging in the street?

What could I do at such short notice? I could rob a bank or a money transporter, but how could I convert the money into Hive in time? Prison is not that bad in Germany in comparison to other countries. I considered it, but it wouldn't have made a difference, because I knew, when that money would have been converted into Hive, the minting process would have ended.
Begging in the street was out of the question for exact the same reason and although I am very, very handsome :o), I shied away from turning tricks as well.

What kind of assets could I sell to quickly have Hive in my wallet? I turned to Splinterlands and to a legendary and a gold foil card as well as some DEC and SPS I had lying around.
In the end I had 158 Hive and was just shy of 8 Punks. But I am very grateful for the opportunity to call seven Punks my own and showing them off in this article.


Punks on Hive

Although the minting phase has long ended, interested investors can go on the official market place for the Punks on Hive.
You have a tab for your own punks there, even if you own just one. Every Punk has a "Details" button. You can look deeper into why your Punk has his unique rarity score. Very interesting, even if I don't understand a lick of the algorithm behind it.
You also can easily send your Punks to an Alt-Account or just sell them on the market place.

The second category is the market place. You can sort all punks in three categories. By rarity score, recently listed and by price. You can choose, if the collection is shown in ascending or descending order.



As I found out, the floor price is actually 23,99 Hive which is incredibly low. I bet, this will change very soon but mid-term and most certainly long-term, there is no doubt in my mind, that any owner of a Hive-Punk will be well-off in the future, even if it's one with a rarity score below 100. We don't have to reach ETH prices, to rake in massive gains.
I don't know if the asking price of those rarest of Punks today will be met with actual bids, but one can hope, I guess :o).




The third category is History. There you can see the market movements for the last and the current day. As you can see on the picture below, there is quite a bit of market action. It's very interesting to see, who buys in bulk and who parts with their punks. To be honest, I can't see a reason to sell this asset so soon after minting and in expectance of great price action in the future, but everyone's circumstances are unique, I understand that.
For example, early on after minting, @derangedvisions sold one of his Punks (the rarity score at that point was as 6,782) for 5555 Hive to @elmerlin and was over the moon to have sold Kiaan Cabrera for more than a few bucks. He also was grateful to support his family with his sale, because Covid had hit his family pretty hard. When I read his account and his genuine gratitude for this opportunity, I felt a great deal of joy to have found this space and people, who can provide us with such opportunities. I also shed a tear or two, but let's move on.


Many other aspects of Hive Punks as well as great new opportunities are on the Discord-Server from Blockhead Games, which is another project with @themarkymark ath the helm. Here is the link: https://discord.gg/yZfrXjfe
Under the tab bot-requests, you can feed the bot with commands to see details of any punk you want and who owns them.

Hive-Punks versus ETH-Punks

For the last part, I wanted to compare our Punks with the original from Ethereum.
The floor-price is not comparable (you have to fork out six figures for the cheapest ETH-Punk), because ETH is not comparable to Hive and Hive-Punks are fresh out of the printing press, but there are things, we can compare.
Only 10.000 Punks were minted (as were the ETH punks) and there will never be a single Punk added, as far as I understand it.

Hive Punks have more unique attributes than the original Ethereum Punks.
You only have to pay a 5% fee for selling Punks on Punks on Hive. At first, the fee was at a 10% rate, which is industry standard as it was explainded, but @themarkymark lowered it to 5%, which is a great discount to similar project on other blockchains.
Also there are no transaction fees on Hive and it is pretty fast. A competitive edge in relation to Ethereum for sure, if you ask me.
But the most important thing is the most baffling in my opinion. Everybody knows ETH. Every big-time investor and every wannabe-star or influencer has or wants an ETH-Punk. It is a prestigious thing like owning the most expensive Ferrari or Lamborghini.
Hive as a social media/blogging blockchain sphere is not yet discovered, which is hard to believe, but for us active users now, it's a competitive edge, we won't have, when the next bull phase comes knocking. The days in the shadows are coming to an end, I'm certain of it and Hive-Punks will have been one of the last big opportunities to invest early and without the world knowing it.

Great things are coming, and my Punks are a part of it. I'm thankful and equally excited.


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