[ESP-ENG] Illustrating feelings

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No permitas que otras personas te consuman

Don't let other people consume you

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Pinterest reference

Está bien recibir ayuda, es parte del ser humano dar y ofrecer, pero cuando ayudamos nunca esperamos nada a cambio, la ayuda sale del corazón.

It is good to receive help, it is part of being human to give and offer, but when we help we never expect anything in return, the help comes from the heart.


Existen personas que ayudan por interés, a tal punto que llegan a explotar a la persona, con la simple excusa de "Me lo debes", ¿Prestaste ayuda o me compraste?

There are people who help out of interest, to the point of exploiting the person, with the simple excuse of "You owe me", did you help or did you buy me?


A eso lo llamo yo "El consumo humano", no debemos deberle nada a nadie, no debemos dejarnos consumir por tal personas, somos seres iguales, unos más completos que otros, no lo permitas y no te sientas en obligación de hacerlo, date tú lugar y demuestra lo grande que eres.

That's what I call "Human consumption", we should not owe anything to anyone, we should not let ourselves be consumed by such people, we are equal beings, some more complete than others, do not allow it and do not feel obliged to do so, give yourself your place and show how great you are.

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Ayuda cuando tengas que hacerlo y no olvides hacerlo de corazón.

Help when you have to and don't forget to do it from the heart.

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