(LATAM/EN) Coloridos aros a crochet. Colorful crochet earrings

Hola comunidad Hive!! Les quiero compartir algunos trabajos que pude hacer gracias a los tiempos de virus y quedarse en casa.
Las monitas fueron inspiradas en Frida Kahlo, pintora mexicana.

Hace un poco mas de un año me meti en este hermoso mundo del crochet, gracias a la pausa que muchos tuvimos que vivir por el virus, estando en casa, sin mucho que hacer, me entro el bichito de querer aprender a tejer.

Era algo que antes no me interesaba para nada, pero el estar tan aburrida me ayudo hehe. Mi vecina estaba feliz de enseñarme, asi que con un poco de practica y mirando videos, lo logre.

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Decidí hacer aros para poder venderlos, y cada vez que terminaba un par quedaba feliz y orgullosa 😃

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Era algo que me tomaba bastante tiempo y no logré llegar a generar los ingresos que esperaba. Además comenzaron los dolores de las manos, que aunque me tomaba el tiempo de estirar y mover las articulaciones, seguían molestando. Así que hoy lo tomo como un hobbie y se que están ahí mis crochet para cuando me dan ganas de ocupar mis manitos y aprovechar de meditar.

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Estas frutillas son unas de mis favoritas ❤️

Agradecida de haber encontrado este mundo crochetero 😍

Gracias por pasar, feliz día!!
Abundancia y bendiciones xoxoxo

Hello Hive community !! I want to share with you some jobs that I was able to do thanks to the virus times and stay at home.

The 'monitas' were inspired by Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter.

A little over a year ago I got into this beautiful world of crochet, thanks to the pause that many of us had to live due to the virus, being at home, without much to do, I got the bug of wanting to learn to knit.

It was something that didn't interest me at all before, but being so bored helped me hehe. My neighbor was happy to teach me, so with a little practice and watching videos, I made it.

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I decided to make earrings so that I could sell them, and every time I finished a pair I was happy and proud 😃
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It was something that took me a long time and I did not manage to generate the income I expected. In addition, the pain in my hands began, which although I took the time to stretch and move my joints, they continued to bother me. So today I take it as a hobby and I know that my crochets are there for when I want to occupy my hands and take advantage of meditating.
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These strawberries are one of my favorites ❤️

Grateful to have found this crochet world 😍

Thanks for stopping by, happy day!!
Abundance and blessings xoxoxo

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