Beige Gold Decorative Happy Birthday Photo Collage.jpg

It’s another beautiful Monday and another time to show you my next Christmas gift. This one will be going to my best friend, she has been more like a sister to me over the course of our 7+ years of friendship and I would say she deserves to feel some of my love this Christmas period.


I specifically chose this project for her because she has been wanting a new crochet dress for a while and for some reason, we haven’t gotten to it yet. I wanted this dress to be a surprised but also in a color she would like. So I told her to help me pick a color for a dress I am making, a color she would love to wear and I made different swatches with different mixtures and she picked this one.


I am glad I asked her, because I would have never picked this color for myself or anybody else. It’s a cute color but I would have gone with green or something like that. So for this project I wanted to work with lemon peel stitch, I happen to think it’s a really cute stitch and I have been looking for an excuse to work with it.
It is a pretty straight forward dress, although I did not get the pattern right at first. The increases were a bit slow because I didn’t take into account the fact that I was majorly working with single crochet stitches on the sides even though the pattern itself is a combination of both single crochets and double crochets.


Once I noticed the increases were not coming along as much as I wanted, I started making increases on every row and that helped a lot. Another thing with this pattern is that it stretches a lot which is something I didn’t expect. However, I am not sure if it’s because I used a big hook (5.5mm) or if it's just the pattern. I guess I will make a swatch with a smaller hook and find out.


I already had her measurements so it was easy to not let her know about it before hand. I decided to add ruffles to the dress just because I love ruffles and I thought it would look cute and it did. After I was done with the dress, I surprised her with it, she was really happy about it and that made me happy too.



Here is the final look of the dress, I hope you like it too.

Thanks for stopping by❤

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