The beautiful nature of the mountains in Sukabum

Welcome Hiver friends
The natural beauty of the mountains is one of God's greatness that we need to entrust, because this nature is the result of the creation of the Almighty God, so it is something that cannot be denied by every creature.
Today's edition I share again with views of mountains in nature, and this is the largest mountain in the Suka Bumi area.

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The beauty and history of the mountains in this area are widely discussed by people who have visited there.
It is said that Mount Gede erupted in 1957 and until now there has been no further news about this incident, so it will feel safe and comfortable for those who live and visit to see the location in CIANJUR, West Java.
In this area, there are many tourist areas that can be enjoyed by visitors, and there are several tourist attractions that can be visited, namely Telaga Biru, Rawa Gayonnggong, Cibeurum Waterfall, and Kandang Badak.



We can see the beauty of the peak of Mount Gede, and what a beautiful place and road we can go directly to the mountain that has been built by the local government.
It is truly God's power to create such beautiful nature, and in a place like this mountain, many immigrants from various regions come to see it directly and camp near the mountain.





And those are some parts of Mount Gede in Sukabumi that I can share here, and the point is that this nature is truly extraordinarily beautiful.

Thank you friends and friends who have read my post today, I hope we always love our nature and develop it well.

Best Regards

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