Dry pond and its inhabitants: an excursion to an amazing place

Our nature is so diverse that the most amazing plants and trees grow in each region, and if you combine them in one place, you get a real nature reserve to delight our eyes and fantasies.

Today I will show you photos of plants that I photographed in our wonderful park located in Krasnodar.


In this photo you can see a dry pond where huge turtles live.

This Karaike–style pond ("dry pond") is a garden where stones are arranged to form the shape of a pond. The way the stones are arranged is called sandzon-seki: small stones are located on both sides of a large stone in the center.
The taco name comes from 3 Buddhist statues, where a large stone represents Miroku Bosatsu, and the other two sides are Monju Bosatsu and Fugen Bosatsu. However, everything needs to be studied in detail, but for now let's just look at the photo.

I'll show the turtles below since they had lunch and were a little busy :-)

So I suggest you enjoy the unusual plants and picturesque landscapes that were discovered here literally at every step.


I like to walk in the garden where these wonderful miniature trees grow. By the way, do you know what bonsai is?

Surely, you will think that this is a variety of some Japanese trees or some kind of oriental art. And in some ways you will even be right. After all, bonsai is a peculiar, very specific art, which consists in growing indoor plants in an unusual way.

Familiar trees can have a non-standard shape if you approach this issue correctly and follow a special gardening technology.


There are quite a lot of such crumbs here. And not a single plant repeats itself.


Of course, it is quite hot in the Kuban in summer and it is a real work to save any plant. Therefore, many of them are located in such shady places.


And the real masters of bonsai art count as many as 15 styles in this unusual direction. The features of each style are evidenced by its name or the shape in which this or that plant was grown.

By itself, the word "bonsai" means "a plant in a bowl."
It is known that since ancient times there has been a legend around the world about this magnificent skill. It is said that it happened thanks to the emperor of the Hanshui dynasty, who decided to create a small replica of his garden along with a complete recreation of trees and rivers. Of course, all plants often need to be trimmed so as not to disrupt their intended original shape.


Although some have grown too much, even now they do not fit in the place reserved for them :-)


By the way, another * T. Sturgeon in the book "Slow Sculpture"* I once wrote about bonsai:

"A person sees a tree, and an image of the future shape of this tree appears in his brain, and a person begins to realize his concept. A tree, however, does only what it can do, and would rather perish than do something that trees don't do, or do in a shorter time than befits a tree. Therefore, the formation of bonsai is always a compromise and cooperation. A person cannot create a bonsai by himself, just as the tree itself cannot do it. Everything should be based on the principles of cooperation and understanding, and this takes a long time..."

Yes, and now, before I forget, I'm showing you the very inhabitants of our dry pond.


Are they really real beauties?


They have such original drawings on the shell that they can even be really studied. Did you know that every line on the shell indicates something?


It's a pleasure to watch these cuties. And this is their rightful possession - the dry pond itself in all its glory.


It's a beautiful place though. I didn't want to leave here at all. I hope that you would definitely like it here?


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