The Beauty of our Tinobdan

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Good day, fellow hivers! It's me again, @langqt. Today, I will show you the beauty of our well. Actually, this well was one of the sources of water in our place. And I will tell you how beautiful our Tinobdan is.


I will take you to our well, which we call Tinobdan. During this time, there are fewer people because it's afternoon (this time is usually a sleeping time for the people in our place). And it is perfect for taking a bath.



Look at that clear water. This is pure, natural water. You can get unlimited water, but you can't swim there. This well never runs out of water.


The water will go through those two big metal hoses. The water inside this tank is the cleanest. The water inside is used for drinking and cooking. We clean the inside once a year because we need the cooperation of the people. We need a lot of people to cooperate because it is not easy to clean the inside. Also, we need extra money to buy some cement and sand.


This is how it works. You put the mouth of your gallon in the two holes. Then you hold it too tight and the water will get inside to the gallon. The taste was a bit of sweet, but I can't recommend you to drink it directly. It is better to boil it first before drinking it.


I saw few plastic, so I picked it. We clean the surrounding of the Tinobdan at 3 months. As a youth of our place, we always pick the trash we saw. We cleaned the Tinobdan last October and I think we clean it again on January.

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I think these three names here maybe made this big tank. It also has the date February 12, 1990. I think this is not the exact date when they made this well. But a lot of people I asked, and they couldn't remember the exact date it was built.


This is what the big tank looks like. Actually, they made two big tanks but the second tank was far away. They said that the purpose of those tanks is to stock a lot of water to supply to our Barangay.


This hole is where they put the big hose. It was deep inside. Since this big tank was made, no one has tried to open it. This hole is not too harmful for the children because it has a cover.


This is the tree that is located above our tinobdan. It is a big tree. And we used to swing from its roots. There used to be a chair there last year but it was destroyed because a lot of children would climb up the tree.

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This little building has a lot of memories for us. My tatay said that this little building has a water machine to provide water in our place, but their machine can't get any amount of water in our tinobdan. In the past, they used it as a dressing room, but it was destroyed during super typhoon Yolanda and never repaired.

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This is the view you can saw around our tinobdan.



Currently, this well may be closed because the land is not owned by the government. The owner has decided to establish a subdivision here, and we hope that they don't close the Tinobdan.

If you visit our Tinobdan, you are very welcome. There is no entrance fee, and I can recommend that you come between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

You've reached the end of my blog. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Once again, this is your @langqt. Thank you!

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