The Nature is healing after The First Rain

The first day of April and here comes the post from me. Well, it is good to be back here. I woke up early in the morning with the sound of heavy rain. For the past few days, it had been raining every now and then. After the extreme heat weather, this rainy vibe gave us our much needed relaxation. The temperature is cool now. After the end of rain, I myself went out and started looking outside. Raindrops are still there. The nature is looking so beautiful. My head generated the idea to click some pictures. It has been a long time since I did that. So now, I started my old hobby. Clicked pictures and here they are.

The very thing that came up to my mind is the nature is healing. Yes, you can understand it by looking at these pictures. The first heavy rain ensures the nature is regenerating the life. The soil is wet again. The air is pure now. The first rain brings the new version of plants. The fresh looks of plants are so mesmerizing. One can feel the vibe and enjoy the beautiful views of nature. So let me tell you how the nature showers in the rain and gives us a fresh look after the first rain.

What is the impact of first rain?
Well, the impact of the first rain on nature overtake the dullness. It gives the much needed moisture to soil and plants. Let me explain it in point view.

Soil: When the heavy rain comes and washes away the upper dust and waste materials, it also wash away harmful things that prevent soil to get fertilised. It helps to rejuvenate by washing away accumulated minerals and salts that can accumulate during dry periods. The hard soil becomes loosen and absorbs water which helps new seeds and plants to penetrate in it. The roots of trees find a new way to grab hard position to hold up the tree.

Air: First of all, the air pollution is increasing day by day because of the increased factories, vehicles and burning fossil fuels. We are breathing the polluted air every now & then. But the first rain also purifies it. The atmosphere which is already accumulated by the poisonous smoke and dust, gets clean wash with the rain. Have you taken a deep breathe after a heavy rain? Well, you can definitely understand why I am saying so. The inhale process feels so good at that moment.

Wildlife: Human beings have brain to use and find an option when the face any problems. But animals have lower brain powers. I'm talking about finding a proper water source. We, the humans can choose different options to have pure water to drink but animals do not have these types of facilities. The first rain after dry season is a welcome relief for the animals as they faced hard times during dry spells. Ponds and lakes as well as small streams and puddles created by the rain ensures plenty water supply for the animals.

Plant life: Talking about nature and rain, it is not necessary to explain why plant life is benefited much by rain. We are having oxygen from the plants and if the plants end their journey, so do we. Rain brings the moisture to plants. I already described what impacts happens on soil after rain. The plants get their much needed hydration after it. The rain also help plants to regenerate new leaves by washing away pollutants and dust, allowing the better photosynthesis.

So, I think now you all have a better idea why first rain is so important for nature. I have to go inside because the rain is coming. Maybe this time I am going to drench myself in this heavy rain. Why? Because like the nature, the human beings also need rain. I will explain it later in another post. Till then, stay calm and stay blessed.

  • All the images here belong to me.


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