Bad Winter Days Ahead ~ Blizzard Conditions

11/12 January 2024



When I woke up yesterday (Thursday) watching the news I realized the weekend ahead is going to be bone chilling cold. I was off work Monday and Tuesday due to accumulation of snow. It was single digits temperature on the Fahrenheit side with a feel like temperatures in the negatives much of Thursday. Sounds cold but as I sit here on my Friday morning it's even colder and it's only going to get worse.

In my last post I showed you some ice sickles on my work building from Wenesday. Above is a shot of them from Thursday. They have grown a few inches but now they won't because it's just too cold. Not even a bright sun will melt because the cold won't allow. The sickles are created from heat leaking from the building and the sun melting the snow on the roof. The water rolls down the roof and starts to freeze before it completely falls off forming these ice sickles.

I stopped at the grocery store after work to pick up groceries to get me through Tuesday. It won't be warmer until Wednesday when temperatures will be in the 20's on the Farenheight side. I was not alone in thinking of picking up somethings. It was a zoo at the grocery store. Somethings were completely sold out.



Well overnight the wind decided to build some snow drifts surrounding my car. I guess Old Man Winter is saying stay home. I can only imagine what some of the streets and roads look like because this is just my driveway.

I took a screenshot of the projected weather today. More snow and some high winds. Visibility is basically referred to as white out. Feel like temperatures will be in the -10 to -30 range due to wind chill. Doesn't matter if it's Fahrenheit or Celsius thats freaking cold. Also it really doesn't matter where your at that is cold. Only place on earth where that wouldn't be cold would be Antarctica or near the North Pole.

I have already done my chores inside the house to prepare for it. I have turned all water faucets on to a drip. Opened kitchen and bathroom doors that contain plumming behind them. Down stairs I have placed a space heater near exposed waterlines and pipes.I tell you from past experience its no fun when a water line breaks.


As I sit here I really appreciate some hot coffee. I think coffee really taste better on a frigid cold day. Just looking out the window I feel the cold in my bones. I could be outside freezing my arse off but no, the coffee brings me warmth by drinking it and just holding the mug. I may go on with my coffee consumption a little longer today. Would you do the same coffee drinkers?

I think I will be ok holding off on the shoveling as many places such as schools, churches, and businesses are again closed today. Even the sanitation pick ups are cancelled today. So at some point I will need to bring my trash collections back close to the house before they get buried in snow from the snow plows. My work hasn't been called off yet which is surprising. If it doesn't there isn't a safe way for me to get there. I can't even get out of my driveway unless I shovel. I will call in today if it isn't called off but I still think they will close down. Sometimes they wait late to make the call.



The only good thing about Saturday and Sunday is there are lower possibilities of snow. However the temperatures will be even colder. Even without the wind, temperatures will be well into the negatives. Any wind with those lows are dangerous and no one should be in the elements for very long. Frost bite can hit your skin quickly and it only takes a few minutes.

Oh the look forward on the weather has got me thinking of what I can do inside the next few days. Perhaps I will do an inventory of my fishing equipment. There are some reels that need line replaced. I can also start prepping some of my ice fishing equipment. The ice on the lakes will be plenty thick after this weekend. Maybe in a week or two I will try my luck on the ice. Of course I won't go out if temperatures are as cold as they are now.



I'll end this post today with some shots from my back deck. As you can see the visibility is only 1/8 to 1/4 mile with the wind blowing snow around. I opened the patio door to take these pictures quickly. In that short time (less than 30 seconds) I felt the wind hit me and felt snow crystals hitting my hands and face. My hands stayed cold for a good 5 minutes after shutting the door. Let's go out and shovel!! Not yet and not now. I'm not alone as not a single neighbor is outside doing that yet.

That's it's for me today. Take care, stay safe and stay warm or cool depending where your at 😊

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