
This beauty but angry beauty I caught myself. He died and was still very nice. I hate them, because I am allergic, but I like to photograph them for fun and this blog.


Wasps, everyone knows them! But what exactly wasps look like? You can recognize this elegant animal by its yellow with black stripes. Their body consists of three parts; the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The abdomen ( the fear factor for me ) ends in a sharp point, where the sting comes out when they sting. Between the chest piece and the abdomen is the wasp waist characteristic for wasps. Wasps have three pairs of legs and two wings. The wings are transparant. The most common wasp species are the: Lemonade wasps ~ for the most common one because they are the most common wasps in the Netherlands. There are two types of lemonade wasps, the common wasp (Vespula Vulgaris) and the German wasp (Vespula Germanica). These two wasp species are very similar, only the German wasp is distinguished by three characteristic black dots on the head. The German wasp also has black dots on each of the six segments on the abdomen, also called abdomen. This may sound complicated, but you will see it immediately if you look closely at the German wasp. I had to look this up by the way because I never look at his head to be honest looking for dots.

This is a common wasp and he is small in appearance, here you see my bic ballpoint pen next to his dead body, but smalll or not I still dont like them because they sting!

Other wasp species that occur in the Netherlands are the hornet (Vespa Crabro) and the wasp (from the Crabronidae family). The hornet is sometimes also called a horse wasp. You can probably already guess that this wasp is a bit meaner than other wasps. The hornets are larger than the lemonade wasps and their stings are therefore more painful. They always build their nest above the ground, while the Digger Wasp likes to choose a nest in sandy soil. A hole or hole in a pile of earth that has been thrown up can betray the digger's nest. Digger wasps live alone and come together only to make a nest. Most wasps are very similar to the lemonade wasp and are therefore difficult to distinguish. However, there are a number of wasps in this family that are red-black in color, so you can immediately distinguish the wasp. An important difference with ordinary wasps is that the digger wasp cannot sting.

But why do I / we have so many wasps when we are eating outside i mean what do wasps eat?
I blogged once before when a wasp ate salmon from my lunch plate, I will add the pictures at the end of the blog. Wasps are busy gathering food for wasp larvae from sunrise to sunset. A fed larva secretes a drop of liquid which serves as food for the worker. Wasps catch a lot of insects and love sugary products. You wouldn't expect it soon, but the wasp also likes to eat protein-rich foods such as meat and fish. Like i experienced before. However, everything that wasps collect is first for the larvae. Like a mum alsways the kids first , yes I recognise me in the wasp for some weird reason while writing this blog. The sweet vomit of the larvae is what the wasp eventually feeds on. Its disguistingly nice.

You may also already have known that wasps live from nectar. Sugar is their first love. But did you also know that in addition to nectar, wasps also live from pollen, plant juice, pulp, honeydew from lice (also a type of nectar) and juice from ripe or rotting fruits? Wasps also like all of the liquid sweet nutrients that humans consume. Just think of lemonade, syrup or an ice cream. That are the main dishes where they try to attack me!


This is two weeks ago when I tried to photograph with my phone, sorry i failed. But for this contest @adalger/amazing-nature-contest-july-2020-special-edition i always want to try.

Proteins are important for wasps. This nutrient is good not only for the maintenance of the body of the wasp, but also for the growth of the larvae. Proteins are contained in the insects that capture wasps. Different fly species as well as spiders and cicadas are caught with pleasure. If the insect supply is on the low side, the wasp will look for meat waste in trash cans, dog or cat food, or even carcasses. In the latter case, the skin of the cadaver will have to be damaged, since wasps cannot bite through the skin. I never put Charlie and Joey’s food outside because when they get stang it will be dangerous because I don’t know if they are allergic to the stinging. So better be safe inside.

The way the wasp lives is very interesting. The queen starts building the wasp nest in the spring. The workers hatch from the first eggs, which further expand the nest and take care of the new larvae. The queen now only lays eggs, up to a thousand a day and no longer hatches. The young queens hatch from the last eggs. These can be fertilized by several males and then overwinter. The rest of the wasp people die as winter approaches. The wasp's life cycle is thus continued by the new queens. The queen wasp lays her eggs in the hexagonal combs in the wasp's nest. Before she hibernated, all fifty thousand eggs in her body were fertilized. From the eggs come the wasp larvae that are fed by the workers. The wasps are fully developed after pupation of the larvae. The queen wasp also lays unfertilized eggs, from which the male wasps hatch.yes sorry not that important in the whole circle of life.

Wasps are impressive little flyers, but sometimes also real troublemakers. Unfortunately, dangerous situations can arise that you ( read I !) would rather not experience. Do you suffer from a wasp infestation or are you very afraid like me of these flying objects? Because you run the risk of painful wasp stings, sometimes with very nasty side effects. Therefore, hire a professional pest repeller who will fight wasps effectively when you see a nest !!!

I hate wasps, but bees and bumblebees i love and we even have a lot of lavender to attract them and the butterflies in our little garden.
They are very similar, but what is the difference between a wasp, a bee and a bumblebee? A striking difference is that the wasp has hardly any hair, unlike the bee and the bumblebee. I made some shots where you saw the bee’s hair. This hair is used to collect pollen. They only eat nectar and pollen from flowers, so they are real vegetarians. The wasp likes a nice insect and is therefore a meat eater.

This is a screenshot from some of the insects I photographed, and in some you see the hair.


Wasps and bumblebees can sting multiple times. The bee can't because of the barbs on her sting, their defense weapon with which they stab you. When the bee retrieves her sting after the sting, the sting, complete with venom bladder, tears off her abdomen. The bee then dies. You could call it a kamikaze attack. A wasp is yellow-black with a slim waist barely hairy can for no apparent reason attack.
Bumblebee Black, often with yellow stripes Strongly built. Very hairy. Only if threatened he or she will sting. It is important to use wasps in certain situations. When there is a nuisance or danger, pest control can fight the wasps. This does not apply to bees and bumblebees! These species are protected and should not be controlled.


Wasps live in a wasp nest and this is often a fine example of construction. They build this nest all by themselves by chewing wood fibers very finely into papery pulp. The places where they build their nest are very different. From old mouse burrows in the ground to the cavity wall of your house or under your roof tiles. A hornet's nest has several entrances. Wasps have fixed flight paths to the nest. The summer season has started and with it the arrival of the wasp. Chances are you have to share your coca cola or in my case a 7-up on the terrace with this beautiful black and yellow animal. Run or admire? Most people find the wasp very annoying. Still, the wasp is more useful than you initially think. The wasp is very helpful without us really noticing. The usefulness of the wasp for humans is that the wasp catches many insects, such as mosquitoes and flies. No more waking up from the buzz of mosquitoes around your head in your bedroom and no more flies exploring your sandwich if you just look away. Wasps are very useful in agriculture. The wasp cleans up all insects that endanger the food that people grow. Wasps are therefore used as a natural pesticide for cultivation in greenhouses. In this way, an insect pest can be prevented and the harvest preserved. Wasps are scary beasts to many people, but they don't have to be enemies. If we understand them better, we can adapt to their behavior to avoid a wasp sting. Maybe I will grow over my fear.


So here some advice : Never hit around, because then you have a chance that the wasp will become aggressive. He will feel that you have started the attack. It is best to sit quietly and the wasp will drip off by itself. Cover your drink with a napkin or your phone if there was a wasp nearby. But when he is in your drink take photos because he is busy and you can take pictures for an #amazingnature blog. Sweet drinks are the best target of the wasp. Are you attacked anyway? Find an area where you can shut yourself off from the wasps and make sure you don't shout on the way. A wasp can fly in your mouth and a wasp sting in your mouth is dangerous.


Are you going into nature? Avoid clothes in bright colors and strong smelling perfume. It is quite exceptional, but wasps can get confused by your smells and colors and then react aggressively.
Thus far my wasp story i am burrying him now, and I am gonna thank him for all the nice posing he did for this blog, and I hope he will be a winner post mortum.



Again these pictures are mine to, of the summer encounter a few months back, when he or she thought mt salmon was a great dinner. And I saw the teeth work through the salmon and flying away with a big piece to feed the family.

Also this week the @amazingnature contest is slightly different.
During this Special Edition the topic of the contest is:
SELF-MADE NATURE CREATIONS & CONTRIBUTIONS. So please show us in your entries what you personally did, with your own hands, to contribute to - and appreciate the amazing nature around you !! Have you been planting hundreds of trees to rebuild the forests, or are you working constantly in your garden to create a beautiful nature reservoir for countless bees and beetles? SHOW US IN YOUR ENTRIES HOW YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING ACTIVELY TO ENRICH THE AMAZING NATURE AROUND YOU ^^ .. Also, the entry period, as well the priz, is increased this round. So take your time and create an really nice entry and post for us ;)

So here is my proof for the planting of new plants and installing my own B&B in the garden for bees and all other insects.




I learned that even the older brown flowers should stay on because they feel like they blend in and can eat without being disturbed.



This hotel i made myself and it was very nice to see that some found a new home. Maybe i should sit next to it and make pictures from the life in this hotel.

I had fun making this blog now i will go to have lunch.


Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated and remember focus on being creative instead of being bee-zy.

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Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and #steemitmamas. Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.

I would like to thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.


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Date : 29 july 2020

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