The signs are everywhere you look

Some of the signs are plain obvious.
the days get shorter, nights are fresh, mornings are notably more humid.

Other signs don´t stand out as much, but nevertheless, when you live in one place for several years, you notice them just as easily.

Our cat, Chiqui (little), after looking almost malnutritioned in summer for loss of hair and appetite, due to the heat, is now putting on a nice new thick fur. she now eats more and puts up weight. even though mainly active at night, she is now to be seen around the farm even during day time.

The presence of the Golden Oriols (Oriolus Oriolus) is diminishing with every day that passes. we see less of them and hearing them sing is no longer an every morning treat. at the end of the day, as I shower under the big Cork Oak, they are no longer seated on the large dead tree talking to each other. we always miss them dearly when they are gone.

At the end of August, our local sun radiation levels come down notably. many of our plants that suffer from it in summer start showing signs of recovery and normal growth. shedding older burnt leaves to be replaced with new ones as long as temperatures allow it before it gets too cold. in our harsh climate, autumn acts as a second spring where plants take advantage to grow normally and recover from the devastating effects of our long, dry summers.
as temperatures slowly drop, humidity levels rise and we will soon see morning dews.

The tasks that automatically come to mind are cleaning and preparing the chimney for operation, sorting out firewood, protecting exposed surfaces from humidity and the approaching rains. these are all burned into our DNA it seems and happen without having to even think about them.

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