Every Child Deserves A Home

I grew up in a slum area of Lagos in Nigeria. The kind of life and living condition I and many other children were exposed to is not something I would wish for any child. There were happy experiences though but if not for the fact that I was later moved out of that environment I don't know what would have become of me today. Children don't deserve to partake in the mess adults create. But what really can be done? Perhaps, it's just my emotion playing with my head.

The family institution and a home setting are fundamental starters of a rich and happy life cherished experiences. Family, they say, is the bedrock of a society, and every family should have a home. The reproductive system is a brilliant design put in place to ensure that anyone coming into the world should have safe hands handling them, and a home where they can be nurtured and raised – and enjoy life as much as possible. Sadly, some children have been denied this privilege due to many factors such as domestic abuse, toxic home environments, natural disasters, social upheavals, war and so on, which are a threat to children enjoying the luxury of carefree childhood comfort and happiness.
In this writeup, I will be focusing on what makes a good home environment for children.

What is A Home?

Generally, a home is a place where one lives, sometimes permanently. The difference between a house and a home is that a house is a building but a home can refer to any place, either a building or location, that a person thinks of as a residence and has an emotional connection to – a place he or she feels safe in and would do anything to protect it. So, more than just a place to live, a home holds much for the wellbeing and upbringing of a child. A home is a place where children receive love, care, emotional support and guidance, as well as opportunity for learning and support.

Children are beautiful gifts from God. The joy that fills the heart of parents at the sight of their newborn baby is sometimes unexplainable. Their innocence, adorable faces and alluring smiles are just some of the reasons to want to nurture and protect them, and make them as happy as possible. I don't understand why anyone would want to intentionally cause harm to children. Every child deserves to be happy, and happiness begins with providing them with a home.

(This photo was taken with my phone.)

Benefits of a Home to a Child

In some parts of the world, children have been rendered homeless due to one factor or the other. Some live under bridges (some without a parent), some find shelter in open markets, some in uncompleted buildings and so on. Thanks to government programs and NGOs support in bringing succor to some of these children by providing makeshift homes for them. More can be done.
So what are the benefits of a home to a child(ren)?
Identity formation: A home provides a child with a sense of belonging and identity. Children without a home may feel lost and outcast. This can dampen their self image and a loss of identity means they belong nowhere.
Strong and Healthy Relationships: In a home environment, children explore and build relationships as they play independently, and with others. In their carefree spirit, the trip over one another, fight over playing items but they don't bear grudges. Children kind of know how to resolve conflict on their own, without adulterated interference by adults – except, sometimes, in cases of bullying.
Cognitive Development: A good home environment allows for a child's creative and innovative thinking, as well as his or her social and emotional skills to thrive. Such children tend to excel in their academics.

These are just a few benefits of a home to children. There are more.

What Makes a Good Home for Children?

A good home environment is one where there is open and respectful communication. An atmosphere where children feel heard makes them more likely to express themselves and share their thoughts or concerns freely. This gives them a strong sense of emotional security knowing that they would always value and receive support and guidance through any challenge.
A good home environment makes room for play time. Play time offers children the opportunity to have their space and moments for real playing and bonding with other children or people. Sometimes, playing outside in a secure environment helps. Electronic gadgets can be put away sometimes, to enable them to connect with others and the real world.
A good home environment is one where adults spend time with the children. They should not be left out in activities that everyone can enjoy such as doing chores around the house, playing games, reading stories, going for walks or eating dinner together. These experiences create cherished memories and promote open communication and a sense of belonging.
In a good home environment there is an open show of affection and appreciation. A compliment for good behavior, or a good performance in school tests or for completing a chore is essential for a child's confidence and self esteem. Hugs, a soft pat on the back, “I love you”, “Thank you” are some of those ways of enforcing acceptable behaviors.
There is also discipline in a good home environment, especially in formative years of a child. Discipline helps to drive away foolishness from their heart and set their mind straight. Disciplined children become focused, mature and responsible. To ensure this, adults must lead by example and present their own lives as a template to follow, because child
ren learn faster from what they see adults do than what they are told to do.

There are many other things that are considered a good home environment for children, these are just a sampled few.
Every child deserves a home – a good home. Their future, our future will be safe if children are exposed to a healthy family and home environment.

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