Finding Balance Amidst Chaos: Reflections on Daily Life

Work in progress.png
I remember the sign says, Work in progress!
On a busy day, the landlord sanded all the stone floors leaving an incredible layer of stone dust on everything. My wife and l spent days cleaning everything and still, we are cleaning – my wife is now cleaning objects and scrubbing the floor in the kitchen. She spent two days cleaning my room so I haven't had that much to clean. On a holiday, I am spending most of my time working on the laptop and re-editing old images. It has been chilly and raining off and on since I arrived but this week we got sun and the temperature reached 81F so I think spring is about to arrive.

I have not met any old friends as I have been so busy with my family. and trying to clean the house as the landlord has been painting the house, all my garden plants are in one corner of the balcony as they are working there, I have to remove all the dust from all of the rooms - it is a little crazy but we are making progress.

After months of searching boxes for my external hard drives, yesterday my little brother said, "You will find them today." And I found all 6 wrapped in newspaper in a corner of the box holding my scanner! You can't believe the relief as without them I couldn't complete documentation and that is the main purpose of so long searching for the hard drives. Expect to find a place right place to preserve all my documents and will send a copy to my advisor. And we will be more prepared to work on a project + the weather will still be beautiful like in the mountains - right now it is chilly and a lot of rain.

I am now safely and happily in my apartment. I went shopping and came back and just now got my computer hooked up to my computer. The charger we put in the cell phone wasn't working so he had an extra here and the cell is also now fine. The food from the fancy restaurant was really horrible but from the local small restaurant (Back-street) it was excellent. Finding the right products was a nightmare as you had to look for different locations and have to walk miles after miles and was exhausted, as were many customers waiting in the queue, finally got the product. In that shop, the process is using very old kiosks, half broken down, and with such small font and bad lighting I couldn't even read the screen! Fortunately, the sweetest little girl did the whole thing for me - the machine wouldn't print a copy to take to the payment desk so she photographed it with her cell phone and took me to the accountant and I instantly got my bill. Now, my wife is preparing dinner and I will enjoy nice food and get a good night's sleep.

For a moment there, I forgot it was Ramadan! I awoke half an hour ago and just made my morning coffee - I feel very refreshed! (All in my dream) In reality, I was still on my bed, it was just messing up with my mind.

This type of stupid dream always cherished my desire to become more faithful to the almighty Allah. I always wanted to write something every day but never succeeded. Even when I filled childhood ledger books with thoughts and drawings it was never an everyday thing. And, yes, I still have those entries and lots of poems I wrote during that time of my life. But anytime I look at anything I have written my first thought is to rewrite it - never a good idea. Then I will obviously check it out to see what others do but my life is without routine and I would find it a chore to think I have to have something interesting to say every day.

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