Fire on a Hot Day - Recharging myself when my phone wants a day off - Part 2

This is a follow up to recharging myself when my phone wants a day off. Today my phone still seemed to want some more rest and it informed me of this by only charging when it felt like it ( which was less often than I'd like ) and when it did charging oh.. so...

There's a positive side to this though...

When your phone is not working ( or left at home or switched off intentionally, for those who are strong enough to do this ) interesting things starts to happen.

Or to rephrase that, those things are always there but you actually start noticing them ( which feels a lot better than focusing on all the long distance drama you can't control or comparing yourself to those who seem to be better off than you )

When you're without your phone, you return to actually observing the world and living life in a more aware state.

So, just now, while my phone was spending some time in the fridge, once again
I was hoping trusting that it would give the battery the necessary kick to start charging again, after a couple of hours, as was the case two days ago
I sat down in an easy chair underneath my sister's humongous kiwi plant that gives shade to an outdoor (kitchen) table/ sitting area and while I sat there, I started observing the space around me, with more than one of my senses activated.

I wonder how many - or should I say few - of our senses we use, once we start staring at our phone. I guess one, when staring, two when watching a video with sound and that's about it. Most people don't smell their phone. The smell-o-phone still isnt' invented and once your phone actually starts smelling, something might be off but hey that's an entirely different story that I won't get into here.

BACK TO me underneath the kiwi plant, which is actually a winter kiwi which means that there's plenty of baby kiwis on there but that they will only be ripe enough to eat from November onward. I looked at the leaves of the kiwi plant and the sun shining on them and making them look beautiful. I saw them moving lightly in the wind. I started hearing the crickets or cicadas. That is, when their sound wasn't tuned out by the louder sound of passing cars. I also heard the rattling sound that the leaves of both the kiwi and other plants and trees made, ruffled by the wind. I felt that the wind was warm, kind of like a hair-dryer and not super enjoyable. It was 37 Celsius in the shade, this afternoon: body temperature. No clothes needed. But I decided to keep my swimming pants on anyway, just in case a visitor would arrive ( perhaps ) or so my sister's cat wouldn't see me naked. Who knows?

Talking about warm wind, earlier this afternoon, while I was chilling on the river beach, as pictured above,
I had actually brought my phone along to listen to some music and the battery was semi charged, back then, but I kept my eyes open
I noticed some fire trucks driving over the high, old Roman bridge that oversees the beach. As it was a hot day, I decided to check on the website and noticed that there was a wildfire in ( or near ) the village. I did not panic and just hoped and trusted that the fire wouldn't be at my sister's land, 15 minutes walking distance away from the beach, the land that I am house sitting this week. As nobody else was panicking or leaving the beach in a hurry, I stayed for another hour or so before I slowly returned home, after having done some grocery shopping. By then I had already seen that the fire was now under control, soon after the bombeiros ( fire fighters ) had been called. It was a smallish fire but the first one nearby, this Summer. It also hasn't been this hot and dry for such a long time in a row. I had seen that about 30 firefighters, 6 firetrucks and an airplane had been sent there, so it should have been a bit more than the ruining of a bbq party, I guess.

Anyhow, I hope nobody got injured and that there hasn't been much damage caused.

This was a bit of a freewrite after all but my phone is slowly charging now ( at 34% ), attached to my laptop via usb, as that seems to be its favorite charging position, these days. Perhaps it just wants to be close to me.

I guess that, in the future, we can charge our phones with our own ( body ) energy, no batteries needed.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed another not so creative day in the life of a creative. Tomorrow is another day. I am glad that it is finally cooling down: 23.7 Celsius room temperature, right now, with all lights switched off and the windows and doors wide open.

To Be Convinued...

The photos attached show me chilling at the beach and the river beach itself, after I had already left it, seen from a bridge ( not the one mentioned in my write up ). It might sound funny for some of you but this is actually considered a pretty full beach here ( I think there were about 200 people ). If you've seen earlier river beach posts of me, you will know/notice the difference.

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