The vision in mind

I've often wondered where I am and where I'm going; I think we've all had those moments where we feel adrift, aimless or directionless. It's funny because in those moments I feel most stuck, held in place, despite the feeling of drifting along with no purpose.

It's a sinking feeling or maybe I feel like I'm spinning in every direction at once with no ability to choose a way to go and no courage to take the first step. It's something I don't really understand; I only know that it happens and when it does I need to recognise and deal with it.


I took this image

At times I've rubbed my eyes, pinched myself, and thought, this can't be happening, but it can and does but that's not of most importance or what really matters; what I do next is the most important thing, and the direction I take of course.

I believe that imagining the future, seeing it in one's mind's eye, is one of the most powerful activities when in moments such those I mention above because, if that vision is powerful and meaningful enough, it is easier to set one's course towards it. None of us can dictate what our futures may look like, there's too many unknows and things can change in a split second. However, I believe we can put things in place, thoughts, attitudes and finally actions, that can help carry us to those destinations we seek.

We cannot alter the course of the wind, neither can we speed it up or slow it down, however with a destination in mind and a course set we can alter and adjust our sails to help us reach it with greater chance of success.

Life is not always within our control. Our jobs, social groups, health, intimate relationships, financial comfort and everything else about our lives are open to influence and chance; but, if we look in the right direction and apply some easily found elements to our journey we are more able to shape it to resemble the vision we have of it in our minds.

Becca 💗

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