Loving Ecency Notifications & Favorites features!

When I saw the latest Ecency Challenge Post about what is your most used Ecency feature, I was very excited as I have many favorite features! Thanks to @melinda010100 and @xuwi for the great challenge.

There are many great features on Ecency that make it a great Dapp, but the most used feature for me is the amazing detailed notifications that you get on Ecency and of course also in the App.

This feature, gives you a great overview of all your events that are happening on Hive and no other Dapp gives you this proper detailed overview and keeps you up to date on your posts, comments and other things in this feature.

I love to see that red dot in the corner and to check what notifications that I have. In this way, I do not miss any of my activities or engagement on Hive, which is important for me. I don't want to not reply to someone or miss something important.


As part of the great notifications feature, you can also use the Favorites feature which then allows you to be notified when your favorites then produce a post.

This for me is great so that I can see when they post and I can catch it as soon as they post. It is for me a further extension of your follower list, but a more refined and private one.

Here you can see how the notification looks like when your favorites produce a post. This is such a useful feature and allows me to keep upto date with certain Hivers and not miss any of their new posts as soon as they have been created.

The great thing is that the feature is anonymous also, so there is no notification if you add or remove someone to your favorites unlike when you unfollow someone.

I like to use this feature to keep track of some of my favorite authors and also those who I like to manually curate 1st and support when they produce good content.


This leads me onto the proposal that is currently up for vote with Ecency. Ecency has delivered so much development and features over the last year, they have a proven track record that we should continue to support the latest proposal https://ecency.com/proposals/283

The Ecency App is something that I use daily and keep upto date with Hive on the go. This is the best App on Hive and with the notifications, is a daily tool I am using to enjoy the full Hive experience.

I think there is more coming with Ecency and the team have delivered alot so far and not just on the development side with Ecency App, Waves, WebApp and the amazing other features you use daily and don't think too much about as you take them for granted as standard features. It isn't til you use another Dapp and see the feature isn't there.

The Proposal should also be supported as all the dev work is open sourced and can be used by other Hivers to develop further or use for their own community fronted.

Ecency also does a lot of Non-Dev things such as they are also involved in supporting many communities, contests and supporting engagement with leaderboards and engagement contests.

Overall, I may be biased as it is my most used Dapp, but I think it is a worthwhile project that is worth supporting.

Thanks for reading.

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Screenshots from Ecency.

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