Goats, Fires, and the Spirit of Sukkot: A Unique Celebration

Tonight is the last night of the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot. It has been a fun time, but in a lot of ways, I'm ready to get back in my bed (and not hear barking dogs in the wee hours of the morning).

We invited friends over for a weenie roast and smores the other night. The kids always love getting to build a fire in the firepit!

Seeing as how it isn't exactly cold here, it was pretty roasty around the fire, to say the least! I kept feeling my eyeballs were being cooked! Ha!

We had the fire in the drive through part next to our house. We didn't want to leave it out in the open in case it rained since we are in rainy season.

It was a really peaceful time. We have had a fire two nights now. The first one we just had 2 neighbors come up. We did brats and smores and it was a good time and tasty!

Another night we had the first two friends plus another family come up. We mostly sat inside that night while the kids played with the wood in the firepit. We had brats and smores again.

Fire in the firepit always makes for a nice picture, but it sure is hot!

We talked about how people cook smores one night. The kids said they mostly like them on fire, burned. Another friend said her dad taught her how to make the perfect one, just slightly golden brown. I prefer mine to just barely be toasted - still white!

In the nights, we've had dogs barking, a feral cat yowling, kids coughing and shifting in bed, and other noises! It hasn't made for great sleep, but it has been fun. Of course, our friends brought up their goats and their dog for the festivities. They've mostly slept well, but I think they're ready to be home in their princess castles! Ha!

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