What is Your Relationship With Nature?

Hello everyone, welcome to this week's @queercoin contest with the topic:

Nature - What is your relationship with nature? Do you like to be in open spaces or in cities? What do you like about nature?

If you would like to participate, here is the contest link

When God created man he placed him Ina very natural state with goods environment that is lush with beautiful vegetation and topography. He made man a caretaker of all there is in his immediate environment. Thus, God in his infinite wisdom has blessed man with good environment.


But with the passage of time, man began to multiply. With man's multiplication comes with the need to expand. These vegetations started experiencing some tweaking and modifications. Buildings began to emerge here and there. Same goes for mechanised agriculture.


The original plan of God for man began to give way. Man began to fashion his own world. And with that comes with many natural disasters such as earthquakes, flooding, pollution (water, air, land), desertification, wildfires, drought, outbreak of diseases (epidemic, pandemic) and so on.


For me therefore, I yearn of the old world, that which God has planned for us. I like open spaces with lush green vegetation. In fact, I am in love with natural environment, not clustered and polluted environment with extra human activities.

In all, nature has a way of purifying itself. That is one of the wonders of God the creator. And that is one of the things I like about nature. Pollute the waters, there are natural cleaners there, pollute the land and air, same thing. God is indeed a wonderful being.

Thus said, we should all strive hard to make nature, by extension the world a better place to live. Save the world and try and maintain its natural state so that it will be a better place to live. This will also go a long way to reduce the natural disasters mankind have been battling with recently.

I also do my best to conserve the environment, as nearly as I met it. These include using environmental friendly products and tree planting. I therefore appeal that all hands should be on deck to make this world 🌎 a better place for us all.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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