Mum's Infectious Smile

After months of waiting and longing for returning home, I finally found myself back within the familiar street, beach, food and people. I planned to travel some places in Viet Nam that I haven't been to; however, much to my surprise, I missed a lot of opportunities and did not fulfill all of my travel plans for some reasons. I felt myself not much into wanderlust and adventure as before, it seemed to come a point when my desire to explore begins to wane. I find myself questioning why but I had a feeling an uncharacteristic laziness creeping in myself.


Well, it was always beautiful being back home seeing family members, catching up with some friends and enjoying foods. This time everything was wonderful but one undeniable truth that weighed heavily on my heart: my mother was growing older and increasingly frail. It was as if time had fast-forwarded in my absence, there were some changes in her appearance and health that I had failed to notice during our infrequent video calls.


I understand we will grapple with the reality of aging, but it sneaks up on my Mom so fast. Aging and worrying are chipping away at her vitality and transforming her into unfamiliar versions of herself. I was shock first day home seeing her-a moment when her infectious smile vanished, her once talkative nature grew silent, and her positive spirit seemed to dim. She used to be a vibrant woman who had always radiated warmth and optimism. It was as if she had become an entirely different person and I felt very unpleasant.


I facilitate this opportunity home and recognized Mum's health problem taking her to see doctor, being by her side, and making every effort to make her feel better. Watching my mother gradually regain her infectious smile and finally feeling better, my brothers and I were so happy. It was bittersweet leaving her side again, but knowing she was on the mend gave me a sense of relief.

Whenever I find a spare moment in my day, I eagerly reach for my phone and initiate a video call with Mum, not only to catch up on her day but also to ensure her well-being. πŸ™‚


Mum's smiles like a beautiful flower
It's infectious, spreading joy and warmth ❀️

Mom has dedicated her entire life to caring for her loved ones and her sole focus shifted towards ensuring the happiness and well-being of her children and then grandchildren. She truly deserves the care and love from us.

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