Mountains, airplane crashes, & political coffee

Dreams are always a little weird, aren't they? For the past year or two, however, my dreams have been much more weird than usual and I have no clue why.

Just a couple of days ago, for instance, I dreamed that I was taking a leisurely drive up a mountain with a friend. The scenery was gorgeous, nothing but lush greenery all along the way, with no houses or people in sight. Every so often as our car climbed higher up the mountain, we came upon a spot where we could look down into the valley below and there was nothing but beautiful green trees as far as the eye could see.

At one of these viewpoints, we were looking down into a deep gorge with a river at the bottom. Beside the river and slightly crumpled by the densely growing trees, we spotted a crashed airplane. We stopped the car. My friend set up a tripod beside the road and attached her cellphone to it to record what was happening. From where we were on the mountainside, it easily would have been 2000 feet (610 meters) down to the tops of the trees, but I still attempted to yell to the people in the plane, "We are sending help to you!" I called the authorities to report the crashed airplane while my friend began streaming her "live-feed" of the event to a news service.

Suddenly — and inexplicably — I realized that this was only one of three airplanes that would crash in that area today, for some unknown reason. And, just as quickly, I was no longer on the mountainside but actually aboard the second plane that was going to crash soon. I was cautioning the pilot about the impending crash and telling him about the first plane.

We decided that if he carefully brought the plane down to the level of the treetops, he could skirt the bottom of the fuselage across them to help slow the plane. It wouldn't prevent the impending crash, but at least it would allow him to crash the plane in a slightly more controlled manner, mitigate the damage to the aircraft, and reduce the risk of serious injury or death to the passengers on board.

Then, suddenly, I woke up. Seriously, WTF? This is just one of many incredibly strange dreams that I've had. In talking to a couple of friends and family on the phone, they've reported rather bizarre dreams as well.

The above photo is one of my favorite coffee mugs, and provides a nice segue into the next story. The coffee mug is a wonderful, oversized, ceramic one that I found many years ago at a Thrift store (a secondhand store that benefits a charity and offers donated items at low prices). The delightful, Bohemian design is named "Cucina" and is by artist Frances Miller. I really like the funky design, colors, oversized handle, and the weight of the mug which makes it somewhat stable against being bumped. I was thrilled to be fortunate enough to capture the steam rising from the coffee in the photo!

So, last night, I dreamed that I was in a coffee shop. A man came in and asked for a coffee. The barista asked if he wanted a "political coffee" or a "regular coffee." He asked what the difference is. The barista told him, "With a regular coffee, we put it in a nice mug and you can sit here and enjoy it while relaxing. With a 'political coffee,' we put it in a 'to-go' cup so you can run around, talk to people, and get things done." 😜

I actually dreamed that, seriously! 😂

So, have any of you dear readers had "stranger-than-usual" dreams lately, too?




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