"I'm back 👋👋👋👋"

Dan za promene 🌄Changing day


Zdravo svima
Prošlo je neko vreme.....ali evo me opet 👋👋👋
Volim da kažem,a i verujem u to,da se sve dešava sa nekim posebnim razlogom, u tačno odredjeno vreme😉
Vodjena time, mislim da je ovo jutro baš ono pravo,u kom ja krećem u nešto novo i sveže.Ali na temelju dobrog starog 😉
Naime ,o čemu se sve radi?
To su zapravo sitnice ali za mene veliki pokretači boljeg sutra😊
......dakle...krenula jutros na trčanje 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ da da....toliko dugo pronalazim izgovore i tako odlažem tu aktivnost...ali napokon sam odlučila da stanem na crtu i krenem.Jutros u 6h sam ustala iz kreveta (priznajem da mi se spavalo uffff) obula svoje udobne patike i izletela na ulicu,pravac do jezera koje je u blizini.Idealno je za vežbanje,trčanje,šetnju ...naravno i plivanje 💪💪


Hello everyone
It's been a while.....but here I am again 👋👋👋
I like to say, and I believe in it, that everything happens for a special reason, at an exact time 😉
Guided by that, I think that this morning is the right one, in which I start something new and fresh. But on the basis of the good old one 😉
Namely, what is it all about?
These are actually little things, but for me they are the big drivers of a better tomorrow😊 went for a run this morning 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ yes yes....for so long I have been finding excuses and putting off this activity...but finally I decided to stop at the line and start. This morning at 6:00 am I got out of bed (I admit that I was sleepy), put on my comfortable sneakers and ran out into the street, towards the nearby lake. It's ideal for exercising, running, walking... and of course swimming 💪💪

Priznajem da sam se dobro osećala zbog svoje odluke...svaki korak sam bila slobodnija i slobodnija..neverovatno je to koliko mi sami imamo moć da okrenemo i promenimo svako zbivanje u svom životu,svakodnevici.Samo odlučiš,okreneš se u tom pravcu i kreneš...oslobadjajuće u svakom pogledu 🧘‍♀️


Obavila sam i to, bila je to više brza šetnja nego trčanje ali i to je početak 😅 a i moj pas zlatni retriver Srećko je zadovoljan😂😂 za njega je ovo ostvarenje želje jer sam ispustila tu naviku da sa njim rano ujutru odlazim u šetnju ( opet izgovori...posao...ćerkina škola...obaveze... )Zaboravila sam da su te šetnje bile dobre i korisne kako za mog psa tako i za mene, u mnogo čemu.Sada sam se setila toga 🙂 i mislim da više neću zaboravljati 😅

I admit that I felt good about my decision...every step I took was freer and's incredible how much power we ourselves have to turn around and change every event in our life, every day. You just decide, you turn in that direction and you go... liberating in every way 🧘‍♀️


I did that too, it was more of a quick walk than a run, but that's the beginning too 😅 and my golden retriever dog Srećko is also satisfied😂😂 for him this is a wish come true because I dropped the habit of going for a walk with him early in the morning (again's school...obligations... ) I forgot that those walks were good and beneficial for both my dog ​​and me, in many ways. Now I remembered that 🙂 and I think that I won't forget anymore


Druga stvar koju sam odlučila da uradim je krečenje cele kuće.Celo leto odlažem to i sada je vreme😉
Danas krećem i sa tim poslom, uzbududjena sam prilično😅😅
I sada sam u stisci sa vremenom ali nije bitno.Pronaćiću i energije i vremena za sve,samo polako


The second thing I decided to do is painting the whole house. I've been putting it off all summer and now is the time😉
I'm starting that job today, I'm quite excited😅😅
And now I'm pressed for time, but it doesn't matter. I'll find energy and time for everything, just slowly

Tako da dragi moji,
danas je dan i za nove postove
Radujem se ponovnom druženju i deljenju prelepih priča,fotografija.....ovaj put manjkam sa fotografijama 😐 ...sledeći put biće bolje,vratiću se u štos😅
Uglavnom,drago mi je da sam opet ovde
Puno pozdrava za sve vas dobre ljude👋👋👋
neka avantura započne


So my dears,
today is also a day for new posts
I'm looking forward to hanging out again and sharing beautiful stories, photos.....this time I'm lacking with photos 😐 time will be better, I'll be back for the stunt😅
Basically, I'm glad to be here again
Many greetings to all you good people👋👋👋
let the adventure begin


Dan za promene 🌄Changing day

This is a cross post of @prudens/dan-za-promene-changing-day by @prudens.

I'm back 👋👋👋👋

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