How to deal with Ghosts

Over time you probably must have come across the word 'ghosting' or you might have even had the feeling which may be described as a situation where someone, especially one you care about, just leaves your life or go mute on you abruptly. Anyone who acts this way can be called a ghost, right?

I wanted to go get the dictionary definition for you guys but just found out that it wasn't too far from what I described earlier, so nvm.

This one act can cause you all sorts of emotions from the feeling of neediness to feeling inferior to the 'ghost'. Its like its saps you in and you just want to reach that person by any means possible.

I've been ghosted before and I know how this feels. There was this guy I was into some years back, we do communicate regularly and I enjoyed the talk a lot when he suddenly disappeared as all ghosts do. It hurt a lot.

I felt I had done something wrong at the time, I called and texted and when no reply was forth coming, I tried reaching out to him through his friends. Of course they knew what was going on but just didn't tell me. To me it was just immature and I think you would agree too. Cos why not just tell me what's going on instead of disappearing.

Soon I was over it and then he came back, to being human rather than a ghost. This time he now looked simple, like too simple. I didn't really care about what he had to say anymore. I can remember asking myself what the fuss was all about.

How did I manage to get over it?

Well it was simple, I just took away the most vital elements ghosts thrives on, ####Attention.
Ghosts are attention seekers or let me put it this way, the more attention you give them, the more of a ghost they become.

I didn't realize I was in control of that aspect for a long time. Like giving him or not giving him attention was my choice.

Ghosting a ghost.

How I really handled it may not be as expected but it worked. When I noticed that I had become to anxious about his reply I just stopped trying to reach out. This still wasn't effective so I decided to kick him out. I blocked him from communicating me on all social platforms and them deleted his contact. I walked away and felt peace almost instantly.

We're cool now but I'm sure he now realizes that he's not going to have such power over me again.

Thanks for stopping by.

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