120 - Ladies of Hive Weekly Challenge by Q


oooooohh la la la!

Love month has already started and a few more days to go and it's the most sweeteeeeeest day of the year till the VALENTINEs Day next week. And with that, before anything else, I would like to join in the fun from the weekly challenge of the ever lovely @ladiesofhive.

1ļøāƒ£ In a few days it will be Valentine's Day. Most of the marketing for that day focuses on couples, but we must not forget that Friendship Day is also celebrated. Do you have a special friend you would like to celebrate with? What would you like to do together? What would you give that person as a gift? š€ššƒ / šŽš‘ ~

2ļøāƒ£ Do you have a virtue that some people would consider a defect?
Tell us about that misunderstood virtue!

I think I am more inclined to go for option 2, for I don't wanna be too sassy and cheessy on valentine's day and not ruin the common notion on love month but give light to a few issues that I'd like to bend a little and hightlight some of its defects.

I guess around 80% of the population on earth who are jumpy and excited as everyone else whenever FEB 14 is coming. Well, who isn't??? Love month is always associated with flowers and chocolates. Also, Mr Cupid is busy hunting down couples to hit with his love arrows. But if you asked me, I would want 5 sacks of rice and a month long worth of groceries!!! hahahaha.. Love is really defined in many things, as we get of age, we became more mature and want for something that would last and sustain as compared to flowers, chocolates and bees. šŸ˜‚

Well enough of that, my Point One Issue is, LOVE MAY BE FOR EVERYONE BUT IT IS NOT FOR EVERYONE TO CELEBRATE. You see, I have witness some people who choose to love in silence and be contented that only them knows their feelings. I have known quite a few gayfriends that they somehow try to laugh out at it by presenting funny calendars or jokes just to appease themselves that VALENTINES is not for them.


Here in my country, same sex relationships are not yet widely accepted. In our culture for it seems that the church itself do not allow or accept bi-sexual relationships. It has been a pretty deep and very long debatable issue that until now it remains unsettled. It is not yet a normal thing seeing bi-sexual couple holdings hands in public or much more kissing as to the public display of affection. Naaahh-ah! There are still people who would raise an eyebrow and question their being or the obvious as to why they are inlove. Jeeez! When will we be able to accept a few realities that there are actually both straight and non-straight people walking on this earth.

Sometimes, I feel for them for having to stay low, always out of the public's eye or choose to celebrate where there are less people in it (and where exactly is that?? Planet Jupiter?!!!). I feel that they had been stripped of their rights just because they are not straight.

One gayfriend told me:

It is not my fault that I am not manly enough to you, I have been this feminine since the day I was born!! You see, I am definitely a woman trapped in a man's body...

Most of the time, they are truly misunderstood. Yes they may see things so lightly and some of them do not really show their weakness for fear that they will be judge even more. Oh yeah! Like any human being, they too have sensitive spots that are sometimes ignored and failed to address. Sometimes it leaves a distress and anxiety in our mental health being the effects of being right in the eyes of the people or to be true of what our culture dictates. I thinks it pressures them a lot to really fit in and just be accepted.

I just hope that we could all learn to live harmoniously irregardless of sex.


Another defect that I often see also, is the notion that VALENTINES ARE ONLY FOR COUPLES. hmmmmmmmmmm... I beg to disagree! And yes I also have friends who are not yet in a relationship and had remained single all these years for reasons that only them can answer. (I have a variety of friends... hahahahah)

Most people in a relationship would want Valentines Day be a special non-working holiday so that they can all do the ncessary preparations and celebrate LOVE with all the balloons, flowers, chocolates and wines.. blah blah blah... Naaaaaaaaaaah, I don't actually belong in that precentage group because I would rather not take Hearts day to heart (did I make sense here???! hahaha). I mean, every day is LOVE Day and it is not just on Feb14, helllooooo!!. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Anyway, there are what we call V-Day haters! Ohhh Yees there are truly people who doesn't want to be too engross or too attached to V-day. First off, V-DAY seems to be costly. Come on, admit it! You need an extra budget or say you need to allot funds to V-Day Date with your special one. Flowers and chocolates are priced extra high on this day, splurging too much is not ideal to everyone especially to those who do not have much. By just having too little to spend makes you the bad guy. And that is just so SAD! Love is not defined by how much money you have nor the amount of things it can buy. It is way over-rated to tie it up with gift-giving or pressuring them that you have to buy something to show how deep your love is. Love should not be spelled out that way, it ruins the whole idea of what LOVE is really all about. Some people do get depression for being rejected just because he/she is poor. Love know no boundaries, regardless of life' status whether you are rich or poor, white or black, straight or not. For me LOVE understand and makes way to make one more better. right??

Or, there is the constant pressure to all singles that V-DAY is a major X for them because by culture again, it connotes to couples only. This line of thinking is just so selfish and not allowing other people to be happy even if they choose to be single. With peer pressure, others just grab up the game and find someone to hookup. Helloooo?! Be happy you are not yet attached and be annoyed for all your life.. hahahahha.. naaaaahhh... Timing is everything, take things slowly and do not think too much about it. The right one will come along in due time and maybe in the most unexpected moments.

Besides, being alone or single does not even equate that you are not loved. I mean not in a romantic way, I am pretty sure there are true people who loves you just for being you, someone do cares. And that is important because "NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, NO MAN STANDS ALONE", (I hope we ladies are included in that count! hahahaha).

I do believe that LOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE is worth celebrating. Let us not be commercial or not follow the trend of flowers, chocolates and expensive gifts. Let us do away with all that, but rather celebrate LOVE of how you understand what love really is.

Continue to spread LOVE ladies!

Me? I just need coffee and Im good!
of course paired with a seafoods boodle tray... thank you! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…

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