If a friendship lasts longer than 7 years, say it will last a lifetime?

My dearest Friend Michelle Said,

"If a Friendship Lasts Longer Than 7 Years, Say It Will Last a Lifetime"? It Can Be!

Like ours - we are a group of guys and girls who have kept this bond strong after over ten years.


I have a few other close friends besides this group, but they are individuals, not a whole gang like us. Of course, I can take any of my friendships lifelong, but maintaining a group without too much conflict, which we are proud of, is extraordinary.

Some of us met during our Bachelor's Degree, and some around the time of our Master's. Many of us are now lecturers or teachers, except for me and another who chose different career paths. But we each have a unique personality, opinions, fashion senses, and likes regarding people. However, that wavelength is the same frequency regarding laughter and our understanding of humor.

In our large class, dozens of people, but only a handful, shared that humorous vibe. And those few are the ones that stuck together and formed our little group.

We're now scattered all around the world. But we still find time once a year to meet up. The memories from those yearly meetups are treasured.

We even talk about hopes for the near future, dreams, and plans - even silly ones!

The key is that true blue friends can pick up right where they left off, even after long gaps between visits. Through thick and thin, genuine friends will always be there for each other.

Our group formed organically during university. Shared experiences bonded us initially - late-night study sessions, group projects, commiserating over exams and papers. Plus, we got each other's sense of humor and clicked. Those similar wavelengths I mentioned before. Inside jokes formed that are still funny to this day.

You move past surface friendships into caring about each other, learning each other's quirks, pet peeves, and passions, and being there through tough times.

I remember when one of us went through a bad breakup. The whole group was there with ice cream, sappy movies, and ears to listen to. But also gently making jokes when needed to add some lightness.

Another time, a few of us drove hours to support another friend whose relative was ill.

College, first jobs, relationships and breakups, moves, career changes.

Having friends who have seen you grow up and know where you came from is remarkable.

Of course, time and distance can naturally start to pull people apart if you don't put in effort. Priorities shift.

So we make communication a priority. We are checking in regularly, planning meetups, and remembering important events.

The magic is that no time has passed when we get back together. The jokes, the laughter, the connection is all still there.

That's how you know a friendship is built to last a lifetime. You can not see each other for months or years, but the bond remains unbroken. The love and caring are always there, even if latent for a bit.

Our little university crew has evolved over the years, of course. Some members have drifted away while new additions have joined.

So for rare friendships like ours, that saying does ring true - if you make it past seven years or so, that's a bond that will last. We'll be there for each other through life's ups and downs—our crazy little family.
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