Dementia can affect us badly.

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You know, dementia is this tricky thing that affects many older people, and sadly, some younger folks too. It's when someone slowly loses their ability to remember things, manage their feelings, and even do simple stuff like eating. Many worry about this since they may feel like they are gradually losing who they are.

What if we could prepare for something like this in advance? Like making a promise to ourselves about what we want if things get really bad? That's called an advanced directive, and it's a decision someone makes when they're feeling okay, about what they'd want if they aren't okay later on.

Some people believe that life is super precious no matter what. But others feel that if life becomes too painful or confusing, they'd rather not go on. And that's when issues like assisted suicide, enter the picture. It's a touchy topic, but some places are slowly allowing it, mainly for those in a lot of pain or with no chance of getting better.


The principal issue with dementia is that, in the end, a person might be unable to communicate their cravings by saying, "Hello, this is the thing I need," since they won't remember or fathom it well. So, what if we could make a decision when we're still clear-headed? Kind of like setting up a reminder for our future selves?

Imagine it like this: while we're still sharp, we take a little test every now and then. If one day we can't pass that test, something we planned for ourselves kicks in. It's like leaving a note for our future self.

There is a ton to consider; at the end of the day, it comes down to having choices that guarantee our cravings.

I pray that we do not face any illness, amen!

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