Managing Stress And Maintaining Work - Life Balance! - LOH 182

Hello ladies, hope you all doing well. The topic for this week came at the right time because the state of the economy has become so bad that most people now work so much to make ends meet which leaves them stressed up at the end of the day.

As one who does a nine to five job - pure marketing, six days a week having only Sunday to myself coupled with other side hustles to take care of, I am not far from being stressed out. I hear some people say that they cannot do marketing job because of how demanding it is. I understand them perfectly because it takes one with a tough skin to be able to talk your way into convincing people to do business with your company, coupled with meeting deadlines and target etc.

Me, after work

There are times that I spend the whole day talking, responding to client's calls plus preparing sales orders that it leaves me totally tired that I wish to not do the job again. Sometimes it comes with a banging headache, fatigue and muscle tension, that I'm unable to concentrate with work again and I wish that I was just working from home so I can enjoy the flexibility it offers, schedule my work time including customizing my workspace. But alas this won't be possible because it doesn't fit into my kind of work, which is purely field work.

Since, I know that stress can impact my health plus performance at work, leading to burnout, ill heath, anxiety, decreased productivity, reduced job satisfaction, I employ some measures in handling it::

I try to set boundaries and prioritize tasks so I don't handle too much work for the day.
I can remember the day when this client that I had an appointment with failed to meet up with it. I called him prior to the time, he didn't take it nor send a text only for him to call me up to come over to his office at a time when I was already choked up attending to other clients. I told him to reschedule that I can't make it, but he angrily dropped the call. Well I called him after I had cleared my desk and he later rescheduled.

An unorganized environment puts me off such that I can't function properly so I always ensure that my work space is organized, All papers properly stashed where they should be, table calendar well placed, diary, to do lists and notepad readily available so I can better manage my time and workload.

I believe that no one is indispensable so if it happens that I suffer serious health challenge or even depression as a result of stress, my company may find a replacement asap because work must continue so I must do all I can to stay healthy and fit.

This entails practicing self care - taking breaks in between work to rest the body...A typical example is putting my head on the desk like this for some minutes while putting my phone on silence.

Talking about taking breaks, going on vacation is another way that helps me manage work stress.

I also try to eat well because food is one of the essential things the body needs to be healthy and function well.

I do not play with my sleep, it's very important to help me rejuvenate for the next day.

Another thing I do is to talk to my superior or coworkers about the stress I'm feeling to see how they can help. Quite recently, I've been having some emotional strain and it was affecting my productivity so I spoke to my superior about it and she signed some days off for me. That was exactly what I needed.

Talking about whether not being able to manage stress properly have caused me health challenges, yes it has.
Before the last Christmas holiday, I was so stressed up that it affected my health so much that I was afraid of my life. Night fever, body pains, loss of appetite and the rest. I went to see the doctor and series of tests were conducted. The results came out and I immediately applied for a sick leave so I can have proper medical care. Usually once it's December, no staff goes on leave but because it was based on health grounds, the management had to approve it. To ensure that I was properly taken care of, I had to go stay with my elder sister who is a health worker and I was glad I did because she took took very good care of me such that I was able to recover quickly and went back to work.

No matter how tasking my job might be, I can't use it as an excuse to not take care of the home,, no way. Both of them are two different tasks and they must be taken care of at their own times. Now if it happens that I abandon house work and concentrate on my job, I'll still come back home to meet them piled up as there is no one else to handle them. So it still falls back to me, hehehe. Moreover I'm not the type to shy away from my duties, or allow things to pile up, I like taking care of them on the go so I can concentrate on other things and this has helped me create more time for myself.

Many thanks for reading. Hope you will stop by next time.

This is my response to the topic questions for this week.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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