Fall in love when you're still young | No matter how much of heartbreak you've gone though, keep your heart open...

Of course, we can fall in love at any age. However; as I have seen many people decide to close their hearts when they are still so young, I'm inspired to write this...

[Monkey Mountain - Da Nang, Viet Nam]

Do you know what makes you attractive?

Your hair? The nice shape of your body? Your gorgeous smile? Your white teeth? Your long legs? Your sexy muscles? Your soul?

Well, to me, one more thing that I find so attractive from you: You're really attractive when you always keep your heart open - to fall in love with little things, to fall in love with people, to fall in love with this life, no matter how much life broke you, how heart-broken you were, how many times you told yourself you would not love again...

Maybe you'll see lots of words in this post - The reason why I can't post anymore more music videos at the moment is my threespeak account needs password recovery. I'm stuck in between the old broken laptop and this temporary one I'm using.
But hold on! You'll like how much this post makes sense and how sweet it is...

Why fall in love when you're still young!?

(This might sound wild but REAL!)

1 - Fall in love when you're still young and full of energy 🔥

--- when you're still able to... jump each other 3 times/day making it so steamy
--- then still feel so energized to run down the beach together or run to the cinema watching another action movie and laughing together
--- getting home at midnight and still feel like jumping each other again
--- chatting in bed until you fall asleep together while your mouth starts talking non-sense and smiling at the same time... 😚


2 - Fall in love when you're still young and have the courage to take the risk again and again 💝

--- when your heart got hurt so much in the past but your mind tells you to keep falling in love
... that's when one day waking up feeling like spring has come to the door again, that moment of a flower blooming in your heart when your eyes meet theirs. You two just click.

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I love to say: "Spring is in your heart"

3 - Fall in love with someone who makes you feel at home and yet feel like an adventure every day 🏍🗺

Fall in love before you (think you) are ready: got some achievement in life, already conquered that career, done traveling 50 countries,...
Fall in love before those aspects of life feel complete. Because that's when the love you have is purest and least selfish.

Fall in love when you're still young because the stability in your emotion and your heart bring you strength to achieve stability in other aspects of life.


Have you ever met someone like that? Someone makes you feel at peace, and at the same time, feel like you can do anything everything with them so naturally, with so much fun, forever, to infinity...? That's soulmates sign!

4 - Fall in love again and again, because when you're a bit older, for how much you love your partner and want to do things together, life responsibilities are already different at that stage of your life 👫

You'll be aging and your body and mind don't let you do crazy random sh*t anymore...
So.. fall in love when you're still young and adventurous enough to make crazy plans together, to learn about this world together, in the way that nobody does...

5 - Fall in love when you're still young, not because "love is everything you need"

Because love needs to always be inside each of us as an eternal condition for us to breathe. In other words, WE ARE LOVE.

Love and fight for love when your body's still young, your energy's still young, your soul and heart are still young, all young together... which happens only once in your life... 😌❤

After all, we all deserve to love and to be loved.

What made me decide to be a straightforward and decisive person?
Because I know what I want and keep figuring out what I want.
What I want is something that really makes me happy - while other things make me feel nothing at all.

The moment I see someone that makes my heart sing and my mind go soft - I'll let them know. I know I'm always ready to jump all in. I know the risk of rejection is not as bad as the regret of missing out an opportunity to be with someone who is truly for me - Who I can potentially build up a happy simple life with.

What if it doesn't turn out the way I expected?
Then keep moving forward - Because yes we fall in love freely, but building up something together - it's the next step which requires lots of work and commitment.
Whether that person wants to be with you or not, it's not about you. Keep shining, and one day you'll meet someone who sees you and says: D*mn it! I can't let that thing go! 😎

Now, would you like to see something I wrote for someone recently? It's not a poem, but it rhymes at some point haha
This is for someone who is at a long distance, who's not talking to me at the moment.
Love sometimes needs no rush. Love sometimes needs separate self-growth of two people before coming together again. Love needs patience - Especially if one or two people got hurt in the past and now are more guarded. How crazy that the connection is still there... maybe it will last for eternity...

I call it "Blue angel eyes" - This is all about our memories, dreams, and hopes that we shared 😊

Blue angel eyes...
Looking into those eyes, I see a whole endless ocean that I could never find
effortlessly undressing all of me
in everyway...
I feel brave
yet so vulnerable that I could tear up right away
recalling the miserable days I have gone through in my life alone
now I'm here back "home"
falling into those arms... my little heart can finally rest with no harm...
So darling, will you lie down next to me
under that sky of a thousand stars?
on the rooftop of our simple house made by driftwood
Let's take a break from life but not for good
Cause only tonight, there ain't words

The Moon's mellowly bright but you know you're the only star of my eyes
Please hold me tight though I'll laugh silly and wriggle away
Will you pull me close again and cover me up with a long soft kiss in the dark?
And that moment I know we would never part...
Never ever again...
Will you take me on motorbike trips though it might rain soon?
October darling, shall we meet?
We're here to celebrate life and convert all sadness to smiles and peace
Get lost in our random conversations and giggle under the bed sheet?
"Sweat" together then run down to the beach
Pineapple juice? Please, again, correct me when I pronounce "fruit"
Ask the sky how far a bird can really fly
And we wonder for how long, together, we could live this happy simple life...
... every time I look into your blue angel eyes... 🌊

I miss you to infinity... 💖

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[Memory from our road trip]

Little Beatle

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