~ Why are women always victims? ~

Greetings pupil.

Today I am quite off. My mood is sullen. This is not because my day started with bad news, nor did something bad happen to me. I happened to match a few dots, which remained uncleared in my head for a very long time. Today I have managed to put the pieces together, and this gives me no joy.

I will open up a few stories and you will be left to conclude because I have nothing to conclude anymore. All my life I have been living fighting for my rights, fighting my way up and down through thick and thin. So, now where I stand, I have my firm beliefs, but the reality seems to always topple over me, shuddering me to pieces.

Collected from pixabay

There is chaos in the village. Brothers are fighting for their rights on the lands of their fathers. None being sacrificial nor being liberal. None of them are rational. After some intense arguments, they return to their rooms and fight with their children and wife. The children and wives become victims of circumstances. Unable to find a cure nor withstand the commotion caused inside and outside the house. If being talked back, they are hurt more badly maybe with words or physically.

Some men have a grudge over a race opposite to them, even though both are minorities yet they have inner clashes. Clashes that are not legit or rational. Clashes build up from pride and arrogance. Nothing could be done publicly. Therefore, situations are created to mislead the other race due to being unable to give away anger. An option that seemed feasible due to baseless grudge and disgust. Some men cornered a few men and women of other races against whom their conspired chaos. The men were killed, and the women were tortured but left alive.

A war shatters out in the cities while the attacks are heavy. Some men and women engage in the war, while some women and children are left home to be safe. Instead, hell breaks in and children are killed while women are left living after being tortured to death. A country that was consumed in turmoil, lost its men (the past), lost its children (the future), and was left with its women (the devastated present). What remains in the country are dead people who are living.

After reading three of the above stories, how does a heart feel? How does a man feel? How does a woman feel? What is the perspective of the youth? I am shattered and nothing feels alive. Although we are living in the 21st century, which was a dream but in this dream, lives had values. Lives were given value. Each human dreams to reach their dreams and make them a reality. So, who is dreaming now? Are all of our dreams coming true?

We are living in 2023 and yet women are always treated and regarded as victims. Victims with no value and no voice. Victims who cannot even speak or live the way they like. Victims who do not even fall into the category of humans.

We are living in 2023, where women are leading countries, companies, families, and many more. We are living in 2023, where women are getting baselessly stabbed, raped, tortured, and many more. We are living in 2023, where status and place determine each individual but women. Women themselves, are another status. A status that means to be devalued and to be used.

This is the century of freedom where women and men are categorized as equal or almost equal but is it only in words but not in action? My mood is sullen and I do not know how to fix it. A matter of an incident or a matter of a moment can be forgotten or forgiven but a matter that is dragged for too long while it is a wrong thing, how can that be forgotten or forgiven?

Is living a joke? Is living as a woman a joke? Is living as a man a joke?

~The End~

This is my thirty-ninth post in HIVE. I hope to connect well with everyone. This is me here, Lemonade1, I am a bookworm, a foodie for life and a hodophile.

~~ Life is too short to waste away in procrastination. Spread your wings and fly freely with your consciousness in your pocket. ~~


Assalamualaikum, may peace be upon you.

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