Courage, The story of my username

Hello beautiful Ladies of Hive, I'm glad to find this community and looking forward to being a part of it. Hope you enjoy what I have to share today; the story of where my username comes from.



Many many years ago Platon wrote a book where he defines the meaning of courage in various epilogues named laches. In Turkish, my native language; Lakhes.

To Plato courage means wisdom. He explains in order to be brave a man needs to be wise. Only fools are cowards. they are so busy achieving small accomplishments they let the big and important things slide. But if a man is wise. He will calculate what is really important. And will not waste his time in a frightful state of losing small things.


💫It is debatable to me that courage only means what Plato thinks it is, because I can find bravery even in simple things. To me, it doesn't have to be so complicated.

🌹I found it in myself when I decided to change my profession against the wishes around me.
🌹I found it in myself when I helped my mother overcome a very difficult disease without help.
🌹I found it in me when I decided to be a rock climber and face my fears,
🌹I found it in myself when I shut down the people who try to control me, saying no and setting a firm boundary even to the most loved ones, at the risk of losing them.
🌹I found it in myself when I decided to be a good person against the bad things in life.
Simple acts. Results in the big picture. That's where I find my courage.

And I find it in almost every woman around me. Who tries to fight the problems of everyday life, I respect them so much. Even in a society that still doesn't give them enough credit for everything they do, they still find a way to make people around them happy. There are some women I know of, as we all do in our personal lives, who are the definition of bravery.

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”
― Maya Angelou


And as a woman who always tried to be courageous in every field of life, I found the name might suit well for this journey of Hive and added a little french twist with ''la'':)



One of my biggest fears; Overcomed, me on a rock climbing trip last May

💫This is my entry for contest #65 promoted by the Ladies of Hive community. I would like to invite @zo3d participate 💫

Thank you all so much for reading!

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