Monster's Week: Prophet Rosa

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The tips and possible advises in this article are designed for Silver League, in which I am in right now.

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Just like Lorkus, I had a new appreciation on another Rebellion Summoner after revisiting and using them again. The one I found most interesting and most balanced was Prophet Rosa, a Water Splinter Rare Summoner from the Rebellion Series.

Prophet Rosa has a balance of offense and defense which is not available in a lot of summoners. I believe she is the best summoner to promote the Rebellion Tactics and how to effectively use the Tactics stage.

With Prophet Rosa and Water Splinter's flexibility as a whole, my win rate spiked a lot in just a matter of a few games and this is why I decided to share this underappreciated summoner for this week.

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Prophet Rosa is a rare Rebellion Summoner, the first ones to try out the Rebellion Tactics abilities. I thought it was bad before because unlike Chaos Legion summoners, you can only grant abilities to select monsters but after trying her a few more times, I think she is pretty great but this is thanks to her good lineup of Water Splinter monsters.

Both of Prophet Rosa's abilities are good. I love the balance of offense and defense because sometimes, the team doesn't need further offense or further defense and they need the one that the team lacks.

💊 Abilities 💊

Set 1: Give Up to 2 Monsters '+2 Range' Ability

+2 Range
[Stat Modifier] Positive Status] A number of friendly monsters has their Range Damage increased by 2.

Set 2: Give Up to 1 Monster 'Shield' Ability

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Shield [Defense] Monsters with Shield ability reduces the incoming melee and range damage by half. If the damage is 1, before the effect applies, the damage is negated and becomes 0.

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  1. Most balanced Rebellion summoner in the game. Don't get me wrong, I didn't say that she was the strongest but she is certainly the most balanced. Unlike others that has two offensive abilities or two defensive abilities, Prophet Rosa has both one offensive ability, the +2 range damage, and one defensive ability, the Shield ability. This allows her to be efficient on which ability to grant to her monsters depending on if you need more offense or more defense on that battle.
  2. Prophet Rosa complements Wave Brood and Angelic Mandarin Combo. Wave Brood and Angelic Mandarin are a good combo. Adding them in any team increases their efficiency since you have a Triage-Taunt combo but with Prophet Rosa, you also get to add Shield ability on top of that Taunt. They are also both range monsters which can use Prophet Rosa's other ability.
  3. Abilities largely complement Water Splinter. Water Splinter has multiple monsters with Void ability. Combined with Prophet Rosa's Shield ability makes up for strong tanks.


  1. Has 5 mana cost.
    This is not a big problem but it happens often that it becomes annoying. Due to her being a mana cost higher, you are not allowed to use Prophet Rosa in Little League rule of combat.
  2. A little bit expensive to rent.
    While Legendary summoners are still more expensive, renting a max level Prophet Rosa is still pricey but worth the price. She would dent your rental wallet though if you do it very often.
  3. Countered by Expose ability.
    Expose ability has a chance of removing an opponent's Shield or Void ability when hit. Both of these abilities are utilized by Prophet Rosa. It would be a big problem for your lineup if your opponent has a monster with Expose ability.

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Rules of Combat
Up Close & Personal
During this battle, only monsters with melee damage type are allowed: Shield ability when you and your opponents can only use melee attacks are good. It basically halves all the opponent's overall damage.
Going the Distance
During this battle, only monsters with range damage type are allowed: Same as Up Close & Personal but better because it opens up the probability of using Prophet Rosa's extra range damage. Wave Brood is also a really good monster in this rule of combat.
Super Sneak
All monsters on the board gains the Snipe ability that changes the targetting mechanics of monsters with Melee damage to "Opponent's monster that is on the last position.": When summoner tactics are available, you will automatically go to another step in the battle called the Tactics Stage. This allows you to see your opponent's lineup first, then decide what abilities to use. If your opponents used a lot of melee monsters during this rule of combat, Prophet Rosa can counter them effectively.

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Rules of Combat
All monsters do double damage to opponent's monster that has Taunt ability:
While you can still use the Water Splinter's Taunt monsters in this rule of combat as a special case, remember that since you would get double damage, all the abilities that halves the damage are technically disabled.
Little League
During this battle, only monsters with 4 or less mana are alowed:
Little League rules of combat affects summoners. Since Prophet Rosa has 5 mana cost, you are not allowed to use her in this battle.
Wands Out
During this battle, only monsters with magic damage type are allowed:
Shield ability when you and your opponents can only use melee attacks are good. It basically halves all the opponent's overall damage.

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Wave Brood
Wave Brood is the best target for Prophet Rosa because it has both Range damage to abuse the +2 range damage while also having Taunt and Void abilities that complement with Shield ability for the total defense.
If you don't need a Taunt monster or you think adding Shield to him won't do any better, you can add Shield to Baakjira instead. While he doesn't have Taunt, he has Heal ability which complements with his high health.
Diemonshark with Shield ability is a really good monster in Up Close & Personal rule of combat. Diemonshark himself is a good anti-melee monster but adding Shield ability to him increases the potential more.

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Lineup Banner
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This is my best example lineup for Prophet Rosa. With her Summoner Tactics, I can either add more damage by adding +2 range damage to both Wave Brood and Angelic Mandarine increasing their damage from 2 to 4 each or I can go defensive by putting Shield on either my main tank, Baakjira, or Wave Brood, depending on whom would take a more melee and range damage.

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Prophet Rosa 300
Prophet Rosa

The most balanced Rebellion summoner in the game. Has both offensive and defensive capabilities depending on which you need more during the Tactics Stage.


Baakjira is a good tank with Void ability. Baakjira is a good target for Prophet Rosa for the Shield and Void combo. This combo halves all the damage he gets while trying to outheal any of those damage every round.

Daarg Deadblast

Good combo with Baakjira to give him damage through Weapons Training ability. The Triage is the more needed one for Wave Brood.

Daigendark Surveyor
Daigendark Surveyor

A filler I added for Daarg Deadblast's Weapons Training. If the mana cap is at least 38, Merdaali Guardian would take her place.


Strong Opportunity monster. I usually add one that doesn't attack the monster in the front just to break any potential defense from the opponent's side. Combos with Prophet Rosa's Shield ability.

Angelic Mandarin
Angelic Mandarin

Good combo with both Baakjira and Wave Brood. His Silence ability is strong when combined with Void. He is also a target for Prophet Rosa's extra range damage.

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Wave Brood

The combo of Taunt and Shield or Void abilities are the strongest in the game. It is stronger when you can get a monster with all three. This is possible with Prophet Rosa's Shield ability. He can also be a target for Prophet Rosa's extra range damage. Lastly, if in case of emergency, you can use him in the 1st position to be the main tank and he can still attack because of Close Range ability.

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In this battle, since the opponent only has 1 melee monster and I think Baakjira can outheal the damage, I just decided to increase Wave Brood and Angelic Mandarin's damage.

> > Click here to view the full battle < <

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At the start, I thought Prophet Rosa was one of the weak ones because of the problems with Rebellion Summoners only giving a few monsters the abilities compared to Chaos Legion summoners. I was proven wrong after I dived a little deeper on this amazing summoner.

The problem was minimized since Water Splinter has a good Taunt monster along with supporting monsters like Angelic Mandarin. I cannot say the same for other Rebellion Summoners but we will check that in the future.

I think Prophet Rosa is balanced because she has both offense and defense and can use Summoner tactics efficiently. If you don't need to add Shield ability to your monsters to increase your team's defense, you can add the +2 range damage instead to further increase your team's offense just like what I did in this battle.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

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