When You See Someone Struggling, Be Kind xxx

If you see someone struggling, Help them!
This week at work one of my fellow female co-worker's has been truly struggling to hold it together ❤️

She's in the middle of a total shit show at the moment. Every part of her life is filled to the brim with stress and she's at her breaking point!

I've written many posts in the past regarding my own struggle with an anxiety disorder and needless to say I could not stand idlely by while she was obviously struggling.

I'm in a bit of a, I wiil not keep quiet anymore phase and seeing someone else struggling so much really forced me into action. Any action that could potentially help her. Thankfully we have a nurse on site and that is exactly where I took her.

I'm no expert and I'm certainly not qualified, it's just that when you've been through something similar, yourself, you kind of notice the symptoms.

She needed support and she needed to feel like what she was feeling was indeed real. Which it freaking is, by the way! Your brain is an organ itself, and just like any other part of you, can need some help at times.

What I've found the most interesting in this whole experience, is that there are still so many people who just don't understand how very real and valid these feelings are!

They always seem so shocked when they hear that someone has had a panic attack 🙄 It's normally met with something like, "I spoke to her yesterday afternoon and she was fine." Or, "I just can't understand that she wouldn't talk to me about what is actually going on."

Hello people! No one talks about it enough. Not many people understand that, while you don't have any physical symptoms that you are indeed in dire need of some assistance! Sadly, only the people that know, will know and everyone else is simply floored by the idea that, it is, in fact, very real to you.

I, myself, battled with this for many years. It's something that I feel very strongly about and it's still a bit of a strange area to dive into with some people.

Thankfully, myself and a few other employees managed to secure her the help that she needs. She will be starting her sessions with a social worker tomorrow. Thankfully this is a free service that the company offers. We will also be addressing some other issues in the workplace that she has been struggling with.

I'm truly thankful that she can get some of the help that she needs, without it costing her a small fortune. Therapy, here in SA, is not cheap, and sadly is not an option for many people.

So, I leave you with this.
Be Kind xxx

Thank You for Reading 😊

With Love Always, Justine

All Photo's Are My Own, Unless Sourced Otherwise lol 😆

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