My Beautiful Message to Myself

Today, in this beautiful and peaceful place, I chose to let go of everything that pains me, no longer serves me and holds me back. I chose to live my life with intent and purpose. To not force outcomes nor expect any day or any situation to be anything other than it is.

I release expectations and merely go about my days and my life as it unfolds. What is meant to cross my path will cross it and it will be just as it is.

I release the pain of my past and chose rather to forgive. Forgive those who hurt me and, most importantly, myself for not knowing better, and for not loving myself as I should have.

I know now that no one is responsible for creating anything for me. I'm the master of my own beautiful life. A life I fought for and I'm humbly moving forward into all the magic and love that the Universe holds for me.

From this day I will live. I will dream and I will build a wonderful life for myself and all who enter with good intentions. For all who enter without good intentions I trust there will be a lesson ,and trust that the Universe will remove all that is not meant for me.

2023 taught me just how capable I am. How brave I am and that just being myself is enough.

Thank You for Reading 😘

With Love Always, Justine.

All Photo's are My Own, Unless Sourced
Otherwise lol 😆

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