Grey, Wet & Nostalgic

Before I knew of the word Petrichor, and what it means, I was always looking forward to the first rainfall after a while. The smell of earth was always so overwhelming as a child and now, it is nostalgic.

Before the rain would come, weeks – sometimes months – before, I would always smell it. The earthiness, mixed with water and something else I cannot point out. I would perceive it and tell my mom, “rain is coming”. I thought it was rare to be able to tell, but I soon met people who would prove me wrong.

I have always been drawn to the clouds. To the grey skies, to weathers bleak. These are the times my energy levels seem to hit the roof. I get so happy during these times and can get two weeks worth of work done in one day, just as long as the sky is grey and the weather is wet and cold.

I love the cold season, and I love the rain that ushers it in. I’m a rain person , and whenever the wind bellows its arrival, I am in high spirits. Rarely do I see the rain about to start and I think about sleeping. I would already have to be asleep or planning to retire to bed for me to sleep through the rain.

The sounds those long threads of nature make against the roof is music to my ears; a lullaby I never want to stop listening to. If I am not working and have a lot to cover, then I am curled on my couch, a shawl over me, reading a book. Or I’m writing. Just something that keeps me in tune with where I find my joy.

On the contrary when it is sunny, it is like my life force is being sucked out. I hardly (even never) enjoy the sun. I would rather be away from it forever if I can help it. It gives me headaches and sometimes, I can hardly see through my eyes. I would resort to using sunglasses, and also sunscreen for my face that gets burned easily by the punishing rays of the tropical sun. I would always prefer the rain.

It is the rainy season now, so I get to enjoy the most of it. How about you? Do you prefer the rain or the sun? Tell us in the Ladies of Hive community.




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